What a great goal by young Ollie Banks, struck it just as good if not better than his dad in his prime!!
Blokes a ******. Was in my cousins class at school. Or should I say he was a ****** 15 years ago - might be OK now.
People change though mate. At 6th form and Uni I was a bit of a W******. Whereas now, I'm a complete W*****
Good strike. But let’s be honest, Walton should have saved it. And a wall might have been an idea. It was at least as poor from us as it was good from him.
Great player for us ,and was when he moved on. As for a person not 100% on that. Got himself in bother recently.
Good strike but if we had a goalkeeper it probably wouldnt have gone in. Was right in center of the goal.
Looked like he's still one now. The way he berated his team mates was uncalled for at times. It's one thing being passionate and trying to motivated but the way he was gobbing time and time again to Hutton was a bit much. Probably the best goal seen at Oakwell all season. Can't help but clap it out of appreciation. He looked to the east upper towards the north stand before the restart. Must have been where dad was.
Yes I remember people on the Ponty saying things like "I'd let him have a 10 yard run up and kick me in the balls" or "couldn't kick his way out of a soggy paper bag" there's a certain element of Reds fans who can't wait to have a go at any local talent we happen to produce
The person I know who knows Ian Banks personally really likes him. He's probably a marmite character.
Was a good strike. I always tend to think that if a free kick goes in over the wall then fair enough but when it goes keeper’s side, they should probably be saving it (barring a deflection I guess). He hit it very hard but I feel like Jack should’ve done better with it.
His dad is okay and as for Ollie he is a great kid, so don’t judge people when you have no idea about them personally
Mine was a joke. I remember my cousin going on about him about 15 years ago that's all. Don't take my dodgy anecdote as fact.