Remember it’s been designed to allow better ‘stacking’ of traffic and to move the junction further away from the motorway. I can’t imagine it’ll greatly Improve traffic flows, but let’s see. Fingers crossed Siemens have got the traffic light sequencing correct at the first attempt!
Pogmoor Rd closed last night at 8pm when I tried to access it so somethings happening. Be very interesting to see what difference it makes, if it's owt like Burton Rd it'll be a complete mess.
Is this the new "Dutch" roundabout. Where if you see a cyclist you have to give three hail Mary's and drive round twice in reverse.
I was a massive sceptic regarding this gyratory project, but I have to admit that having been on it a few times, it seems to be working well. It may be that fewer cars are out due to high fuel prices but still, fair play. My only concern/criticism is that traffic leaving town towards the M1, and traffic approaching town from the M1 are actually facing one another until both bear left with the lane. There's no wiggle room for drivers who don't notice the lanes bear left and no preventative measures in the road. I think it may only be a matter of time before we see a head on crash on a dark rainy night when a motorist isn't quite concentrating or going too fast to notice.
Recently I've seen cars coming from the M1 and still turning right onto Broadway instead of going around the gyratory. It's either a bad sat nav or they are just nutters.
Lots of lorries going up Dodworth Road to the M1 still in the left hand lane, which is now to turn left on Broadway. Then nearly crash into cars who have correctly got in the right lane. Lots of irate drivers. There will be an accident soon
It works. I haven’t had to wait to get through for anywhere near as long. The only issues are: Drivers still turning right onto Broadway. It’s very clear this isn’t allowed and I don’t believe for one second that people genuinely don’t realise. I get the impression they simply do not want to go round the gyratory - why should they? The no entry signs are clearly only a guide. They should be caught on camera and fined. It’s dangerous and daft. People getting in the left lane for the M1 when coming up Dodworth Road. That’s a combination of habit, not reading the signs, or attempting to skip any small queue of traffic in the correct lane. People speeding down the right lane from the motorway and cutting into the middle lane for town. Again, it’s people thinking they shouldn’t have to queue. The lights on the roundabout at junction 37 are still rubbish though, but that’s not down to the council.