Another thing that struck me was the response to the comparison with Luton, Blackpool etc, and the signings they make. Basically resale value. That's what it comes down to. Then when Loko correctly stated that although there may not be much resale value on one specific experience player - but that player could increase the value of numerous other players, he skipped around it. But hey, according to him we already have an experienced midfield so what do we know.
The 750,000 came to light last season when we were sitting about 5th in the league. It was explained in great detail on this BBS. About a handful of us, at most, expressed our concerns about it. It wasn't discussed again and didn't become an issue until the team began performing badly.
I can't be arsed to search but can you remember if I complained about it or not? I can't remember if I did
I wouldn’t play it down as much as that mate. It was a question put to Paul Conway when he held his own Q&A with selected supporters back on 25th August. It wasn’t something that became a pressing matter just because we were losing football matches. I think our record at the time would have been played four, won one, drawn two, lost one. The game before that meeting was QPR away - arguably our best footballing performance in a number of years. It was probably the most positive supporters felt this season.
I am too sleep-deprived at present to watch this, but having read the comments on here and the synopsis from Doug re a few matters, I do feel they have left him out to dry with this. I bet Khaled is wondering what the hell he has let himself in for taking this role. Would Dane have done a better job, though? Probably. Conway or Lee need to be the ones facing the music and it is unfair to a degree to blame Khaled for things it is obvious he will have been told to not go into specifics on, or quite possibly not even been made privy to in the first place. A Q&A of that length though is impressive and hats off to Gally and Ben for sorting it. I will try to watch it when I've got the little one into more of a routine
Reckon 6k is an optimistic figure. If there are no January signings (as most folk expect) and we drop with a whimper we'll struggle to hit even 5k. There'll be hardly any pay on the day pumters either so Oakwell will look one sad place.
To be fair if this happens with the owners not willing to put money in etc our budget even for league one will be very average. Last time we went down we kept the bulk of the already decent squad together and had 7500 season ticket holders. The time before relegation under wilson we had to do a rebuild but cryne borrowed the club money to finance the deals for winnall conor scowen etc who him and james had found via the data. I think if fans **** it off in their droves with this lot in charge we could keep dropping.
The only way forward for the club under these owners is if fans continue to buy season tickets. We've been in League 1 before so it isn't the end of the world. There needs to be open dialogue with fans. Proper talks to tune of there are 10 thousand season holders prepared to finance the club will the board stump up some cash too. If the answer is still no as it was after the 19/20 season then that's the time to act. At the minute we're presuming what might happen.
I enjoyed the Two Towers. It was the Fellowship when all the goblins were messing about with Frodo's ring for 3 hours that bored me.
add to that, a potential scenario where PMG may continue to use part of that ST money, to repay their Cryne debt. double whammy
Well im a season ticket holder they have half a season to give me a reason to renew because that 1st half was abysmal. My decision will most likely involve my young en twisting my arm to renew mind. It wont be based on a facebook group telling people to boycott and if people question ot dont agree resorting to blocking and name calling. I would boycott if the supporters trust advised this like the Blackpool supporters trust did.
We stopped going just before the pandemic hit. Never renewed. My 2 lads are now showing interest again and pushing to go. But my stance right now is the same as Jay. Not if your using my money to pay for the purchase. That's between the PMG and the Crynes I'm still watching and still getting as miserable as chuff watching from my bar and just as passionate, but I can't bring myself to stump up all that money for us for it to not be used by the club itself
It is but what can you do about it? I'm not bothered if they're up front and say that's what they intend to do.
yeah. I am bothered like, personally, but I take your point. if it's allowed, agreed with the cryne's and clear to the fans, then I guess it's up to us to decide if we're still happy to keep financially supporting the Club. $hit situation really.