Hi All, I've been asked to make it public knowledge that the Martin Nettleton behind the 'Conway Out' Facebook group is NOT the Director of Euroglaze Limited. This Martin would like all Barnsley supporters to be aware that he isn't associated with the campaign, and nor is his business, so would like to be removed from the conversation. Thankfully, although I can't confirm this, it looks like that account has been deleted and removed from the Facebook group so that association will be no more. This means we can move on. It's all a bit of a mess to be honest and not nice in the slightest. For absolute clarity, as I know a lot of eyes are online right now, this post isn't commenting on the group, the campaign, or the legitimacy of various Facebook accounts. We're just wanting to make the above information absolutely clear.
For clarity, I think we should also extricate Martin Nettleton, Director of Gunsmithing, East Anglian Gunsmiths. Could be a Netflix doc in this.
So are there two Martin Nettletons, or do we think someone has assumed his identity? I feel like 'Martin Nettleton' will go down in Barnsley folklore ala Jackie Weaver
Many thanks for help loko. For info in case anybody is no longer on the Facebook page, I have posted the following: All, as a fellow reds fan, I can appreciate your heartfelt concerns about our club and it's apparent trajectory. However, I would like to point out that I have a cousin called Martin nettleton who is a director of euroglaze originally from darfield and he is not the Martin nettleton, who is a member of this group. He is a long standing reds fan but has no presence on social media and has asked me to set the record straight. Could I request the Martin nettleton in this group confirms this. It is unfortunate but confused identities can quickly get legs on social media and can have real consequences. Thanks and keep the faith
Maybe James Cryne will rip off his Martin Nettleton mask while proclaiming “I’d have got away with it too, if it wasn’t for those pesky bbs’ers”
If, and I'm saying IF in capital letters, the Facebook profile to start the group was used under false pretences, I've got a massive issue with someone's personal life and business being called in to question through a campaign that is starting to look more amateur by the second. Hopefully that isn't the case but it's a step too far in my opinion.
And neither is it Mart in Nettleton, a village between Caistor and Market Rasen. He's got no money and doesn't support Barnsley anyway.
But I'm not the real Gimson & the Barnsleys; they were 3 people who lived in the early 20th century, I'm one person, living in the present.