It is pretty simple for me. I know that the 80% mob took £750,000 out of the club in order to pay a debt. Whether they can legally justify this or not does not matter. Every penny I have ever spent at Barnsley FC has vanished because they chose to spend it on their debt. I also know that they plan to make further payments in the same style therefore I know that if I give the club £350 for a season ticket in a few months that £350 will have been withdrawn from the club's bank account for the same reason. Why would I do that? Why would I hand over cash in the knowledge that the cash won't help Barnsley football club but will be used to pay the debts of our owners?
With the exception of 2020, we pass over our money to watch our team play at Oakwell. We do it in a lump sum because it’s the best value for money. So why wouldn’t you? Presumably you no longer get enjoyment? I’m not happy about lots of things on and off the football field but I still love going to the games.
I quite literally just gave a reason why I wouldn't. Other than that what I can say is that our owners have absolutely destroyed the communities within the stands. They're quite simply gone.
From a pure footballing perspective, then it's a Yes. Relegation will be disappointing, but not the end of the world. Besides, I quite like League One. It's where we win more than we lose (fingers crossed). But the £750k really sticks in my throat. I just can't get past it. 2500 adult season ticket holders (more or less) whose financial contributions have been used in a way that stinks to high Heaven. Money that should have boosted the player wages budget or paid for ground improvements. It ****ing stinks. So sadly it's a No from me.
It's clear why he has that stance. He's not the only one either. For a group of people supposedly worth 6 billion plus or whatever it was (B emphasising Billion) they want to use our input to the club, to pay for their purchase of the club. Not a chance, especially as they have quoted several times (after this transaction) they have not benefited and taken a penny out of the club......... Really
Will be selective about matches I pay on the day for. See where we are at Christmas and might get half a season ticket then.
Unsure, i want to because its time with my young en on a saturday. I dont because of these owners and the west stand the 750k and basically the owners in general and the season were currently having are making me not want to. They have half a season to convince me if they leave and we get new owner i renew simple as that really. I dont even mind league one ive watched us before rock bottom of league one i was one of the few still in the ground to see conor equalise against united. Like old goat says its the taking money out of the club which most leaves a bad taste. If i dont ill do some away days untill they sell the club and piss off.
Traditionally the ST purchase you mention was a 2 way street. For you, as you correctly state, it was a discount. Bonus! For the club, it was a much needed cash injection, early doors, to strengthen the squad and possibly give Oakwell a spring clean. It also funded back office staff, ensuring employment in the community. I believe @SuperTyke in his assertion that the 2nd part of that transaction is now longer the case. There is no perceivable benefit to the club. But there is to the purchasers. For that reason I can't stomache funding their purchase next season
Me my son and grandson won't be renewing, had couple of visits to Penistone church during covid cancellation. Grandson plays for the u9s up there he goes and plays with his mates while we sit there with a pint and watch the game happy days.
It's a money creation exercise. They want to use the clubs money, some of which we have input, to fund their purchase and contribute nothing themselves. And subsequently sell the asset once they own it and pocket the cash. Capitalism at it's worst, flagrantly undertaken in an area that is deeply socialist.
Cost of living this year is going to really bite, fuel bills through the roof, inflation, tax rises, even without these I’d be reluctant to give any more money to these carpet baggers, as it is, no chance.
Club made a profit on them though, particularly if more than one member of the household had a ticket
On a worrying note I have spoke to lots and lots of long term BFC season ticket holders andmost have said they have done with Barnsley FC. Just watching the Apprentice as it happens. Methinks if our present owners were on this programme Sir Alan Sugar would say on their business performance for this year and the CEO---------you are fired
Had a long think about detailing the match day experience and meeting for beers. was gonna ramble on about friends thru football and away games..but decided not to bother and just put... Yes...
Any many bought a season ticket with no chance of watching any football and were repaid by very rich people using that money to pay their debts.
Buying a season ticket is done for a few reasons. Cheaper match by match, knowledge that one can get to most/all games/, potential bonus ticket priority for big games, expectation of entertainment, boosting club coffers to support club, meeting same mates on a regular basis, feeling 'a part' of BFC. There will be a few more reasons for some too no doubt. There is no way I would consider a season ticket now however (I haven't had one for a few years for personal reasons). The current owners have ruined the experience of having one on a few levels, particularly with the way they will probably use the financial boost and the way they have created a disconnect so that people do not feel a part of things anymore. There may indeed be some entertainment in L1 but things have gone beyond football in my opinion. The entire experience is toxic, fans are treated with no respect and loyalty is rewarded with contempt. Like I say I've not had one for a few years but NO WAY would I give any support to these owners. I wouldn't be supporting BFC anymore I would be supporting a facade which has a veneer of continuity but which is in fact an imitation of something that doesn't exist anymore.