Ive done a bit of soul searching following the last few weeks on the BBS, i have posted more than usual and got involved in debates i wouldnt normally. I have been thinking why are my opinions and principles not as strong or passionate as others. To be honest whether we left or remained i wasnt too bothered either way. Boris's party was wrong but ive not lost any sleep over it and my family has been affected by Covid as has any others including family members passing. Cummins driving to the castle, so what. Sky TV prices, BBC, the owners £750k, I'm not after opinions on the above points but when does having strong opinions and principles start affecting your life and wellbeing? Stopping watching BFC after 40 years because of these owners, getting irrate, upset,abusing people, protests, arguing, fighting and missing out on things you love because of your opinion and principles. I like everyone else have suffered hard times, loss, been skint, break ups, health and wellbeing issues, lost jobs we all have but like the majority keep going and work through it. I also realise its too much for some people. It may make me not as good as other people but I'm glad my life and wellbeing isnt taken over by these events. Im sure I choose this approach to life not the other way round.
A cracking post that, I’ve been on here loads more than usual and it’s mainly because of the passion we all share, BFC, à find that some turning there backs or arranging protests particularly strange but I’ll not be losing a minute of sleep through it either!! Other than my kids there’s not much that causes me to give a money’s about out, it gets dark at night and bright in a morning, the worlds still round and tarn haven’t won since Christ knows when........as long as my girls are healthy and happy I’ll take whatever else comes at me and deal with it best I can.
100% agree mate 99.9% of stuff that happens in this world you cannot do a thing about so why stress it just work on the 0.1 you can
It's possible to care about things, and have views on what you perceive to be right and wrong. All without affecting your wellbeing. Everyone is different, and we all deal with things differently, but I don't think its helpful to define anyone who cares passionately about something and wishes to express that they care about a topic and write or talk about it as being on the brink of collapse mentally. For some, it may just be an aid. And some others may argue, if you don't care about anything, what's the point?
Congratulations on being a member of the silent majority. I think your username is a strong clue to your nature. Or I'm wrong. As usual.
I live by my Dad's saying "They don't come and see me when I'm bad". It's great for Barnsley to win on a Saturday but I've still got to get up at 5am on Monday.
Better to have an opinion than none at all. Better to have an informed opinion than just an opinion. If your opinion upsets people then double-check its informed. If your opinion doesn't upset anybody also double -check its informed. If you think the Tories are nice then your opinion is ill-informed and upsetting. Just my opinion.
I like to help as many people as i can but don't pass to me all your problems because ive enough of my own.
My dad used to have his own sayings, one of his favourites was “I purposely get up a hour earlier just so I can hate Thatcher longer”
So in other words Im alright and dont care about others? I know I am twisting your words and you are right to not let things you cant control get you down but there is a big risk if you take your approach too much that the old saw by Martin Niemöller applies There are things that are important though and things that are not - Opinions on Barnsley Football club for example are not in my opinion worth really getting worked up about Actions of our goverment however are - I agree Partygate in itself is not by a long way the worst thing but it is a sign of the contempt that those who are running our country are treating us. I am very much of an opinion that the behavour of or leading politicians is very important and should be held to account to give just one example - the increase of people reliant on foodbanks under the tories is astonishing - from around 40 000 when they came to power to around 2 500 000 now - you may be fine as you are not affected ,neither am I as fortunately despite the best efforts of our current leaders I have a good reasoably well paid job, but many dont The ideal for the current tories is that the population dont care and they can get on with making themselves and their mates rich at our expense I have clearly been funding some businessmen buyout out my football team -its annoying and I have an opinion that that is wrong - I do have it in my power to stop doing so though its not really that important and not something I worry about unduly I also believe that taking millions and millions of our taxes which I have no choice but to pay, and directing it to friends of our leaders to the detriment of the population as a whole is well worth having a strong opinion on - I dont have it in my power to change it directly but if enough people care then it can be changed - thats why I do on here often express an opinion - preferebly one I can back up with facts in the hope that we dont sleep walk into an even worse country than we already have So yes to your post I think its important we all form opinions in key areas I am sorrt of fine with those who think about things and dont agree with my opinion - its those who dont really have an opinion on important things like who runs the country that I struggle with
I have a mate I know someone who wont pay more than £2 a pint, he is popular, has friends but this means he misses out on some great nights out etc. Is this his principles and opinion of not paying too much for a pint affecting his life? he has plenty of money so its not that he cant afford it so why miss out on time with his friends, family? He would go anywhere if the beer wasnt too expensive.
Where does he go where beer is less than £2 a pint?? Genuine question, amazed these places even exist!