I touched on this the other day. Sadly, the two are interlinked. I suppose it's a bit like paying your taxes across the year. You don't know what it's allocated to or have any power to control what its spent on. You could be part funding a nurses salary. Or you could be contributing to funding a £1m investigation into building a tunnel through a munitions dump between NI and Scotland. It's easy for me to not go, for multiple reasons, so I'm certainly no bell weather on this. I do think the situation is going to have to sour further before direct boycott is officially called for though. Maybe the publication of the 2021 accounts will shed more light, or cause more doubt and confusion.
I'm still totally undecided. Right now it feels like a horrible addiction, rather than something I enjoy. I genuinely don't look forward to going right now. For me personally, the match day experience is terrible. There are so many other things I could be doing on match day. The current ownership situation is horrible. Never felt as disconnected. The 750k thing is just totally unacceptable, for reasons already clearly covered in the thread. I'm really struggling to find reason to renew, beyond 'fan for life'
I’ve not claimed to be ‘a better fan’ nor do I give 2 fuks what other folk do, me personally a find it baffling why folk would stop going but each each to there own.......
Surprised you find it 'baffling'. There's a long list of reasons people have given. You might not share them, and it's genuinely brilliant that you're still enjoying going. But surely you can identify with the reasons people are giving?
If I was in the ownership group, and commissioned a survey on next season's ST intentions, and the mood was 50% not renewing, I'd be trying to become visible and enforce positive action. And the 50% figure could grow - apathy is still gathering pace. Another few bad results and a cup exit and we could be looking at 60% or more showing no sign of renewing. But it's OK, they'll still get the Championship TV Money. Won't they?
Baffling? As in impossible to understand? You may not share the view but surely you can understand other people have different views and standpoints. I for example am not a vegetarian but I'm not baffled by the fact some people are.
Admittedly it's a small smaple size but yes you would have to be worried looking at those numbers. I think this forum represents a reasonable cross section of our fans.
Just a thought....what about agreeing in principle to the outlay of the season ticket. Then pay say 25% as a deposit.....then agree to pay the remainder in installments....but (and heres the clever bit) you come up with some excuse or another and refuse to pay the rest but still retain the full usage of your asset (season ticket). I bet no one has ever thought of that one.......oh hang on!!!
No. Others can do as they wish. I have no desire to patronise, or belittle, others if they decide to purchase.
I know at the end of the interview they asked for conway to come and be interviewed next time was it feb possibly? Going by sheriffs posts they cant be supporting people buying a season ticket unless he comes up with something diffrent in the next interview. As essentially 2.75 millon is still to be paid from the club so thats what your season ticket will be going towards.
We're struggling on. The dog is still very nervous, but extremely affectionate. It's simply a case of being patient.
Where/if the extra £2.75m is to be paid from is an unknown at present and I would imagine will rest on the legal case. It's logical to assume that since £750k was paid from the club, that the owners would like to continue those payments from BFC to the crynes as and when they can. But if the Crynes win, they'd have to find a different source. Though it would perhaps be difficult to stop them engineering some form of management fees that they'd "waived" to extract monies from BFC to then repay the Crynes.
Absolutely this. Parkruns, bit more golf, record shops....maybe even a bit of freelancing if they'll have me. Won't involve supermarkets of any sort!
absolutely this. Everyone makes their own decision and that should be respected. From my point of view I’m surprised it’s come to this but it has. On the other hand might make a few away trips if we are in L1.
I find it ‘baffling’ that anyone would willingly contribute to the financial shenanigans currently ongoing.