Why couldn't the face ache group have just contacted the supporters trust first and ran it past their experts instead of eating their goal and ending up with footballing pie all over their shirts?
Clearly they were mistaken. A real God wouldn't have needed the notification to tell them they'd been mentioned. Infidel!
Having joined the Conway out group and not knowing either Neil or Luke or Ben and Paul ( Loko and Gally) personally for that matter all 4 in my opinion come across as decent honest folk... all passionate about bsly football club in their own way Yes I can see and understand why some are calling the Conway out group amateurish ...presentation and style come into play... on one side you have the down to earth grittiness and rawness of it all scattered with the odd explicit versus a more business professional laid back presentation style of approach when dealing with the problem at hand I understand the frustration leveled at both parties... on one hand we have accusations of hoaxes and it being hot air and the counter accusations of not being vocal enough and pandering to the club and its employees to gain favor... A Mexican stand off...appears to be in place.. Yes there's been errors on the Conway out site just like there has on here over the years ....the stuff being leveled at certain parties on both sides along with its members is totally wrong in my opinion and certain people need to stop with the accusations....before it gets out of hand We had one particular bad incident years ago on here and it wouldn't be correct to level those accusations at us all ...thus effectively tarring us all with the same brush and nor should any tarring now be taking place given the situation that's going on now Whilst many refuse to acknowledge the shouting and posturing of the Conway out group and seem to believe its not possible nor professional that future investors who wish to remain anonymous at this point would want to create unrest between fans and the board to their advantage whilst having an interest in purchasing the club would resort to such underhand tactics...but if any new investor felt this tactic would force the PMG hand in some way then its power to their cause. For what it's worth Ive known a couple of blokes over the years who have given it a lot of thought about purchasing the club but would be /were very reluctant to be thrust into the media spotlight due to the circus that this type of stuff creates.....if these persons that the Conway out group proclaim to know to be interested wish to remain anonymous then I for one can understand their stance...yes it's frustrating for us on the sidelines but for those in charge and those wishing to maybe purchase its just like a game of chess and becomes a waiting game
I do my level best (like God) not to involve myself in such matters. But (like God) I get called in regardless. FWIW, I genuinely have no interest in this topic or anything else of a similar nature for the most obvious reasons. I’m off to Birmingham tomorrow to do my meaningless craft, just do what I do, and all the other noise is exactly that. I’m about to eat Greek food and enjoy a few light ales. Here’s to three points!
If they replaced the word hoax with a suitable alternative, do you think it would materially change any of what's been said in the rest of the thread? Personally don't think it would, which is why I'm not getting too hung up on the precise definition and use of the word 'hoax'.
I have (for better or worse) read the whole thread too. As it developed, bit by bit. You're here now and you joined in. I know you haven't come up with the "hoax" assertion. I ask to be forgiven for one "bless" observation. You're right - this isn't your scrap.
Well if you specifically denigrate something in such derogatory terms it seems to me that you need to be right. I want someone to convince me that it is a "hoax". Where are Loko or Gally in responding to this?
If you feel like Balotelli, give him a ring. I don't know if he swings that way, but nothing ventured nothing gained.
One thing that popped up in my digging up various links for my post yesterday is that it reminded me (or perhaps was the first time that I'd ever distinguished it) that PMG also doesn't encapsulate the ownership group properly. Pacific Media Group is the part of the consortium that Conway heads. Chien Lee is the spearhead of New City Capital group, a name that has become pretty much lost in the subsequent period following the takeover. I've seen talk of them renaming the group to PMG out, or similar, but that doesn't accurately describe the ownership group. To be fair, I can think of many words that describe the ownership group, none of which seem to include any of the words Pacific, Media, New, City or Capital!
Maybe it was the fake organiser using a local businessman’s name for credibility , maybe it’s the claim there are rich local businessmen behind it just waiting to take over who can’t be named and no one’s met or that anyone who apparently doesn’t tow the line on Conway Out gets kicked off . I’m not a member so I’ve only got the above from posts on here , I’m sure there are well meaning people on there but it’s sounds like a con to me
I would recommend, if you're interested, researching these various businesses, looking at what they do, looking at the size of their market, looking at their web presence, assessing what you believe they're worth, then comparing that to the newspaper headlines which claimed (they didn't claim it, it was the media) that they're worth $17 billion. I totted it up and I reckon they're worth, give or take, 10 bob 50.