I have re read my OP to check that i have worded it as i had meant it and it reads back as i thought. I have not said that i dont have opinions or principles because i have lots of them and stand by them. When i feel strongly about something i will act like anyone else. The whole point of my OP was that i dont feel that Barnsley FC are in such disarray that after 40 + years of going to oakwell that i only now would stop going based on my opinion and principles being that strongly against the owners that i would stop doing something that i truely have loved doing for all those years good or bad. I honestly do not feel as strongly as others so i was trying to work out why. The owners as i have said have been poor but we have been through worse than poor before.
But that's an opinion in itself. You don't feel any more or less strongly than I do, it's just that what you have seen hasn't pushed your buttons, in the way it has pushed mine. I respect that. I haven't tried to change anyone's opinion. I didn't reveal that I had refused to buy a season ticket until well into this season, until the question was asked. I wasn't asking other people to join me, it was my decision about this football club, and I believe it will, eventually, have an impact. And your decision to keep supporting the club, and why, is every bit as valid as mine, but it's still based on your beliefs, and that's my argument - Not that my personal opinion is better, I don't believe that, I believe that having an opinion, having a passion is a good thing to have and it enriches you, it doesn't diminish you.
This is daft on my part but the supporters like yourself who are staying away or the ones who are vocally negative by doing that i believe are hurting our club just as much as the owners you are all making a stand against.
Another valid opinion. I don't agree, but it takes us even further away from the point you made in the initial post, which is the one I've reacted to.
I think i need to work on transfering my thoughts to the written word more clearly to save on misunderstandings. To have such a strong opinion on something that gets to someone so much that they have to stop doing something that they have enjoyed for years through thick and thin. I just dont see what is happening now is bad enough to have such intense opinions about ot that it forces fans to stay away.
You do seem to look up to them though, to believe they can do no wrong. The prime minister breaks the law that he set but you don't get angry. Paul Conway lies to you and takes 3 quarters of a million quid out of your club and you don't get angry. Jay doesn't renew his season ticket and you criticise him for harming the club. It might not be rich men you admire but you do seem to bow down to authority
That’s how I feel about things. Sometimes when reading about all the **** the Tories have got up to, that no one seems to know about, it makes me despair and think I can’t do this anymore (the searching out the truth) and that ignorance really does appear to be bliss but that feeling doesn’t last long. I can’t just choose to close my eyes and ignore anything just because I can’t personally change it or because I’m lucky enough that much of it doesn’t affect me. It’ll be a sad day when I decide I only care about me and my family. It sounds like it may happen as I get older but I’ll fight it as long as possible.
for what its worth my opinion is if we get owners who spend money on chasing a dream then we could end up like derby deep in trouble. i dont want to loose points by going against ffp, I dont care who owns the team as long as we have got a team to support.
That's a fair enough opinion and probably one I'd go along with if it was just the results on the pitch that were the issue, without the backdrop of the financial side and the whole Oakwell saga.
Moral of the BFC story is be careful what you wish for. Even now. Unless it's a fans takeover supporters have literally zero input into their club. They're like leaves being blown around, hoping for a safe destination. Sometimes the wind is favourable, sometimes it's not.
Brill post and the key point is when you say that you are lucky enough that it doesnt affect you. My point is if me and my sons stop going to watch BFC because of the owners it would affect us as its a part of our life we enjoy doing together so stopping would change our lives. We would do something else together but this is our thing we love.
Dad and 9 year old son talking at home. Son - Dad we ve got a match tomorrow, Dad -who has? Son - Barnsley are you going daft? Dad - We are not going son. Son - why dad? Dad - because Conway is stealing all the money out of the club to pay for the club, we havent signed any expierenced players, they didnt make Val stay. The score board is too small, they shut the west stand because of safety concerns, they signed a young up and coming coach instead of Warnock. Son - i just want to go watch Barnsley Dad - its my job son to show you the right way in life. Son - I dont understand, watching Barnsley always either really good or bad but we love going. Dad - stairfootred and supertyke say its true so it must be. Biglil and Jamdrop are not going anymore so its bad son. Son - i thought they were opening the west stand again? Dad - thats irrelevant son, i have my opinion and principles and we are not going. Ill take you ice skating. Son - **** ice skating. Apologies to Stairfoot red, Supertyke, Biglil and Jamdrop for using your names in this hypothetical conversation.
For someone who doesn't really have strong opinions, you're spending an awful lot of time bairning about it.
I meant I’m generally not affected by whatever I’m protesting against but I’ll still take action and change my life to help those it does.
Sounds like a good dad teaching his kid to have morals and that things can be more important than personal satisfaction. This might not be your line in the sand (it isn’t mine either) but the moral is still there for those who it is. I don’t know if you’ve read 1984 but the main character there could have had a peaceful life if he’d have followed all the rules and shut up, but he couldn’t morally do that. It didn’t end well for him anyway so I imagine you think he was wrong but I’d rather be him with morals and try than turn a blind eye to wrongness from the start. What about when miners were on strike? Some people broke the strike due to financial difficulties and I get that (I know it angers a lot as most had financial difficulties and kept going but I do understand). Some broke the strike because they thought the strike was wrong (again, caused anger but understandable, sort of). From your opening post it sounds like you would have broken the strike through refusing to have an opinion and simply not caring about how it would impact anyone other than yourself and your family. Your opening post was very generic and said you don’t understand why people have strong opinions about anything that doesn’t directly affect them and that is what I am replying to. You have since tried to shift the discussion into only about having an opinion about the running of BFC.