lastnight and i'm not ashamed to admit it i was in tears on the final 2 episodes, that man Gervais is a genius, what a writer and actor, well the whole cast, they take you from tears of laughter to tears of sadness in the same sentence. FU++ING STUNNING
Thought it was a let down compared to the first two series. Ricky should stick to his max two series rule for his shows in the future. It suffered from a few characters missing, another few not getting enough scenes and the same old recycled comedy bits we've seen time and time again in the first two series. I would go something like..... Series 1: 8/10 Series 2: 8/10 Series 3: 5/10
Never been a fan of Gervais -"genius" or otherwise. The Idiot abroad series had a nasty undercurrent i.e. whilst the 'victim' was relatively willing to participate, he was subjected to certain situations contrived by Merchant and Gervais that took him too far out of his comfort zone IMO. I know it was intentionally set up for entertainment but they took a childish and almost sadistic delight in humiliating and ridiculing him, as well as , at times, distorting and belittling his views and opinions as being outdated, naive and inferior to their own, based on their overinflated high opinion of themselves. I know many people like him but personally cannot stand him or merchant as IMO they come across as supercilious and smug.
Only slightly down on quality for me compared to the first two. One or two over the top incidents spoiled it though - throwing the ashes urn at the bar owner for example. I’m no prude but the language was unnecessarily excessive as well. I thought the last scene where they walk into the distance was a bit of a rip off from the Still Game ending, but touching anyway. I like him and everything he does but I can see why plenty don’t.
Heard quite a lot of folk saying it’s a great watch. The Wife recently finished it & was in tears throughout. It’s on my list on Netflix, but binging my way through Gomorrah atm. It’s a superb series IMO