Devante Cole, whilst he has the energy, runs like a woman in stilettos late for her bus. ‘Big Vic’, built like a heavyweight boxer but with the bravery of a fox cub peering out of its den for the first time. But Iseka… I despair. Just has nothing. No skill, desire, awareness. Nothing. Then we have a midfield that just drift around the pitch like empty crisp packets in a mild breeze. Forest fans and players are literally having a laugh at our expense.
I might just go the last home game of the season to let them know I appreciate all theirs and the clubs efforts this season. In fact that’s not a bad idea we should boycott until the last game the everyone walk out at whatever minute is equal to the number of points we have.
Much of last season's success was put down to having five substitutes. This season there is a reluctancy to make the full three, despite the players on the pitch looking woeful.
Big summer upcoming. Need a positive one to try and halt this downwards momentum. Even if only by a little bit.