I remember the pints in Redfearns and the Fanzone course I do but other than that I don’t know much so imagine how Joe Public Red who has never ventured in either knows about the Trust. Like I’ve said no issue with the trust and the collective efforts are appreciated but I can’t get on with this it’s the trust or nowt, in fact I’d widen that to the events where a select few some who are good friends attend! I do not support the club or finance it through them.
I would definitely never accuse you of lying. I might suspect you are being diplomatic though. If what is happening to our football club, on and off the field is not toxic, then I'm not sure how bad it needs to get before it could be accurately described as such.
Couple of points on this one; I don't know anyone who's said 'it's the trust or nowt' ever, and don't know what you mean by widen the events and 'good friends attend'. The Q&A with Khaled in November was completely free for all supporters to attend. All the Trust meetings with Dane Murphy, Conway, Daniel Stendel, have been free to attend.
I have zero reason to be diplomatic. What benefit would I get from being so? Nothing is at risk and I'm sure you'd agree I'm pretty comfortable speaking my mind on all subjects - surprise surprise I do that with Barnsley FC as well.
That's fine. I still can't quite work out why you think the situation at the club is not toxic though. But if that's your take on things then I respect your viewpoint.
Not sure why the supporters trust are coming in for so much grief all of a sudden. They play no role in how the Club is run.
If it came to a point where the Trust would have to speak out against these owners due to the overwhelming despair felt by the majority of the supporters. Who says enough is enough and we need to voice our concerns?
Because I think there's some good people working at the club who want to make things better. I include the CEO in that. I think all of our woes point to the Summer. I'm also a realist in terms of what expectations were heading in to this game - but a routine 2-0 away defeat is turning in to a massacre and that's the worry. We tried to get the game called off don't forget.
Issue here is that there's already overwhelming despair from the majority of supporters. That exists right now. The issue is some supporters think that means Conway out, some fans think that means everybody out, some fans think it just means trying to hold the owners to account. What to do about it isn't universal yet and a lot of fans are nervous/concerned what forcing the owners out might mean. For now we're just trying to get answers from those who are in charge. The Q&A spoke out about the owners because it was 100+ negative questions that made it perfectly clear how supporters feel. We've spoken out against the owners on the West Stand, leaving Oakwell, and the £750k.
But I think we both know that this is not about tonight. And I'm sure you are right in saying that there are some good people at the club. Some of whom may presumably suffer as a consequence of the current situation. For what it's worth, I believe that Patrick's desire to hand the club on to people who would look after it was simply overtaken by his personal situation. He needed to look after his family, and he did so (perhaps not fully to the extent he intended to). I can't for the life of me believe that he anticipated that things would turn out this way.
As much as this performance is uncomfortable to watch, and probably our worst this season, I still point to almost everyone banking a home win in their predictions. We've got unfit players starting, unfit players coming on, nine players missing who should be in the squad, and our Head Coach at home. It's not an excuse as the effort wasn't there. It was depressing. But the above can still be valid at the same time. We've got six days for the owners to prove that we're at least attempting to stay up.
We were playing in the Playoff Semi-Final less than nine months ago. I don't think any supporter anticipated things would turn out this way - and I don't think it would have done if we'd have been managed better in terms of those Summer departures.
Why would the supporters trust rock the boat? They're in a position to talk directly to the CEO. Why would you jeopardise this with a knee jerk reaction to a poor season? When you're feeding off morsels why would you jeopardise the celebrity kudos an interview would give you? Nevermind the members. Tickled me that the people most voiciferous against the Facebook group had a vested interest. Just my thoughts. I couldn't give two f cuks just putting it out there as I'm neither camp.
Absolutely miles off on so many levels. Especially with you saying that despite not giving 'two fcuks' you've just given two pretty damning opinions and missed out a hell of a lot of context. For celebrity kudos read fairly widespread criticism and insults. Think on.