I posted last night that folk were enjoying /happy at our demise & I said it sickened me. I get why folk are, let's say p1ssd off. Sorry for that. It doesn't sicken me it Saddens me, loyal Barnsley fans turning their backs on BFC. It's our club,it's our community, once a Red Always a RED. I understand your views but don't turn your backs on our wonderful club. And when I say Club I mean us, all of us, turn your back on he owners but Don't turn your back on Barnsley Football Club. get behind the club, get behind the players. You got a season ticket? then use it. U reds
I'm going on Saturday, Season ticket, see my parents and Andy who has the record shop is 60. I've supported the club since 1974. I'm not happy. Are you? Not giving anymore money to these "people". You can judge me if you like. Instead maybe think & listen. Ta. x
I’m going Saturday as I have a season ticket and going with dad something we have done together fir over 50 years. I won’t be spending any money on a program food or car park st the club for the rest of the season. The problem is to balance part of your life against a bunch of charlatans taking my money. Undecided about next season at the moment
I'm going Saturday purely to see the lads I've sat with the last 6 or 7 years. Still be cheering the Reds on!!!
It is up to personal individuals own thoughts and perceptions what they should or indeed should not do in the present situation. As other posters have said they wouldn't attempt to sway or try and change any body's thoughts and opinion's on these matters in any way People throwing the "Turning your backs on the club" line out to other/fellow fans is beyond reproach ,utterly reprehensible and frankly unforgivable.
I've been going since 1968 and I am as peed off as anyone else seeing the club I have loved since a boy, imploding. As to whether I shall renew my season ticket in the West Stand...... I am not sure it depends what happens between now and August.
I'll never turn my back on the club. I'll offer support to the lads on the pitch as long as they, in return, play their hearts out and give it their all. We've had some poor teams and players, but the majority at least tried and showed small shoots of quality every now and again. This group though - it pains me to sit there and see a lot of them just going through the motions, making the same stupid errors every single game despite having weeks and weeks to rectify them, coming out with the same excuses and promises in interviews to improve but then doing the exact same things as before on gameday. Support isn't unconditional and they're doing very little to earn it this season.
The BBS forum is different for everyone. Some contributors use it simply for letting off steam, a safety valve for their frustrations and anger. For many, what they write is soon forgotten. They write it, they feel better, they move on and they forget about it. In time you recognise the contributors who are doing just that, and you leave them to find others who want to do exactly the same thing. As I say, the BBS is a different thing to every poster. If you are not one of those that derives benefit, simply leave them to get on with it, and correspond with those you want to correspond with. It has taken me years to learn this valuable lesson, and I offer it free of charge.
Going because I’ve already paid but won’t spend a penny more, no matter how many people tell me I should get behind em.
If I had a season ticket I would be going, but unfortunately due to work and other commitments I would've missed too many games this season. But it's easy not to spend money in the ground, I never do when I go as I find the food poor, the car park a mare to get out of and the beer rubbish.