Utterly ******* mental. At least one of our centre backs will be off in the summer and we're binning a 22 year old who featured heavily in a championship playoff team last year with 2 years left on his contract rather than keeping him for league 1.
Noticed towd Gord hasn't posted in while, he's probably just realised Chien and Conway ain't billionaires . No one can defend this lot anymore!
Fair comment from our CEO & the right move. Welcomed by me, as opens up the possibility of us strengthening in the areas where we need to improve most. For 100 likes, I'll post criticism of Conway, Owners, 80% etc but I don't give a toss.... it's like Catchphrase, I'm saying what I see & this is good news.
This statement from our PMG mouthpiece is total ball@cks and we all know it. I think Toby Sibbick was frozen out because he spoke his mind too often.
CEO obviously thinks us fans aren't worthy of honesty. Every time he says something it just drives home how much of a liar he (and everyone above him) is. Good luck to Sibbick, hope he gets a move back down to England at some point and makes us regret letting him go. Utter shambles.
Gobsmackingly stupid decision by the club, Sibbick should have played in just about every game. Best of luck to the lad, he's been treated awfully this season, he deserves a chance.
I can't work out if Kahled is thick as pig **** and doesn't have a clue what he's coming out with or alternatively he is doing it just to ******* wind us up! If it's the latter it's working!
It's trolling Sibbick more than anything. Hugely disrespectful to him, and on a par with the announcement we made when Ludewig left, in terms of disrespecting a departing player.
Probably frozen out for telling em all for ages that they ain’t got a ******* clue what they’re doing. If that has resulted in him being sold, then good luck to him & well done for saying summat. He’s better off out of here.
Gutted. I think there’s a really good player in there but we’ve treated him appallingly during his time and I think we’ve failed him. Best of luck at Hearts Toby, show them what you can do. As for the statement by our CEO… I didn’t think it was possible that his honesty and transparency could show him to be a more clueless out of touch moron. I was wrong.
If we can get in a decent midfielder I’ve no problem with this, I don’t remember him being particularly better then Moon & Kitching and don’t think he improved enough when he had the chance. Not sure what’s gone on this year though as I think he deserved as much chance as the other two, I can only imagine as others suggest he had become persona nongrata for some reason. I wish him all the best at hearts.
Looking at the line up that played against forest, you can make an argument for picking him ahead of moon at right back and even Palmer in midfield. We’re apparently looking at a forward on loan who will no doubt have next to no first team appearances. Unless there’s also a midfielder with 200+ first team appearances coming in, or there’s a big(ish) money sale to mitigate losses that relegation will bring, then this will have been the worst window for a long time. Even worse than the CEO Conway windows.
I've never rated Sibbick too much, although he did improve hugely under Valerian. The fact it seems crazy to allow him to leave says more about how far the club's fallen than Sibbick. How many centre backs do we even need? Do we play a back 3 or back 4? Other than Jordan Williams, what full backs are we left with?