We've got an oldish combi boiler by Worcester that works fine in terms of heating, however the timer appears to be faulty. I'm not sure of the exact model as I've moved in with my fiancee and she needs to find the manual. When you set the times for it to come on using the teeth, once the clock reaches it it just stays on and doesn't come off. When no teeth are set then the clock goes round without issue. Now we have a baby in the house it'd be much easier to have this sorted. Rather than pay a fortune for someone to do it, I was thinking about replacing it myself to save some money. It looks like it might come out without having to open the whole casing up. Anyone done this themselves? I'm not a total novice with components etc, have plenty of experience building PCs from scratch.
Just been on you tube buddy,type in Worcester combi boiler timer not working and yours is the first link.Hope this helps
They do just slot in and out with a little control lead which clips on IIRC. Easy job to do yourself and doesn't break the primary seal so you don't need to be gas safe registered.