Im not disputing that but the owners bought the club for 6million? In the championship with 10k season ticket holders and a good squad. If they then go to sell the club in league one with 3k season ticket holders a squad just off the back of a record low points total in the championship and want 10million there going to struggle. Taking money out of 3k season ticket holders to pay instalments is going to be hard so hopefully they cut their losses and go before it eventually costs them.
You realise bradshaw is having a great season and whatever we sell woodrow for we owe 50% to fulham? Pinnock should have gone for alot more than he did one of the best center backs ive seen at oakwell. Probably not alot in it but players devalue on form and what league were in people were talking about 5million for styles last season be lucky to get 2.5 million now.
I think you're missing the point where I said answer it without using hindsight and judging it in the moment. I'm sure some of the Bradshaw money went to Walsall, just not 50%.
If they cut costs to meet whatever income they receive, they could literally stay for decades. And skim off nominal transfer proceeds. £500k a year for a decade and you've got most of your money back.
I thought they bought it for £8million? Or £10m in total with £2m coming back from the Cryne Family. I don't think we'll drop to as low as 3,000 season ticket holder. We'll definitely lose a lot vs. this season, but in terms of when we were last in League One I'd estimate we'll be about £500k short on revenue. You can make that back spending £10k a week less on your whole wage bill over a season. Wasn't our wage bill in League One last time just under £7m? Means you've got to make it work for £6.5m, recoup it through transfer fees, or increase what you do commercially. Any kind of success and we know the pay on the day money would come flooding in as well. Matchday revenue is known to be a minor part of a football club these days. It will be sad to see Oakwell regularly announcing crowds of c. 7,000 but I don't think it's the biggest financial worry we have.
Thought they wanted to make money chien lee isnt getting no younger and 10 years to not break even hardly dragons den material is it
Wholly owned subsidiary, they could do all that and keep it under their control. None of this is even aggressive. Most multi national businesses operate a centrally controlled cash sweep. None of this I suggested even comes close to being aggressive or losing control. Think of the typical private equity model, the portfolio company is remote from TopCo. A simple example is what happened at City Link under Alchemy Partners. May seem morally wrong but totally above board.
Ten years to pay for your investment. The sale of the club then is all profit. If by then it was a £10m selling price that's £1m a year profit when you look back, which would be more than 10% interest.
They said right back at the start of their ownership they were long term investors. They said it so often in a short interview it bordered parody. Now I can't say I especially believe what they said at the time, but if we take them at face value, if they have a club that's self sustaining, they can hold it for a long time and get return that way. Conway said in an interview some years ago he thought European TV rights were undervalued compared to the US. I think they are pretty sizeable and only likely to diminish as competition tops out, but that's just a personal view. But if thats what they want to do, it would make sense they hold as long as they need to hold. if they can claw back small sums per year, any sales proceeds are clear profit. They could channel in a direct lending stream and generate a regular interest amount. They could take (or increase, if they are currently taking) an amount as a director. Or charge management fees. There are plenty of ways to earn from a company that you own. The most successful ones get something from all of those avenues. It doesn't all have to be about sale value at the close.
Last time the short fall on operating expense was close to £5m, the loss of £3m was bridged due to player sales.
I'd expect the same again. It's just this time it would probably leave us with a weaker squad than that promotion attempt and we'd be much more reliant on the type of players we bring in, so recruitment overall would be the key to success or failure. Everything would hinge on the data highlighting some gems. I just think the season ticket numbers falling won't be as much of a worry to them as we think.
To put season ticket sales in context Matchday revenue from ticket sales is about £3m. In the championship if you factor in an average of 1000 away fans paying £25 at 23 games that’s £575k (approx). Total home fans matchday revenue is, give or take, £2.5m. Total turnover in the championship is about £14m. With an operating loss of around £3m. It’s not that sensitive to ticket sales the big change is the often quoted £6m reduction in central distribution. Last accounts showed a wage bill of £11m. That needs to be cut considerably and a lot of player sales occur if they are to keep this business viable without outside funding.
Yes they also said if they werent wanted they would leave. Id say over 75% of regular fans want them gone and thats been generous to them. Once you lose season ticket holders and fan base its always hard to get fans back. Blackpool dropped to league 2 when fans boycotted, Chesterfield asset stripped and ended up in the confrance we could easily end up like Chesterfield grimsby etc if things carry on.
I would say you're way off mate. There's a difference between being unhappy at the way things are going and wanting them completely gone. There's a million different stances, but there's a huge chunk of the fan base that wouldn't be happy, but would be content, with some admittance of ineptness in the Summer and commitment to having flexibility within the model around experience.
Maybe so, It doesnt look like we will get that though the only thing they admitted they got wrong in the interview with Khaled was the schopp appointment and olaure in so many words. I cant see them changing much as regards the approach to transfers and sometimes bringing in abit of experience this window been a prime example.
You're mistaking people on here and elsewhere online as a barometer for all fans. I work with quite a few Barnsley fans and I'd say less than half of them even know who our owners are.
We didn't even have 5% of the crowd on Saturday showing massive discontent so I think we've a way to go before it's a full consensus. Repeating myself, but they have flexed from the model before so there's no reason they wouldn't do it again. The lack of flexibility tends to come when we don't have a permanent CEO.
I find it so sad that working class folk in an area not renowned for its wealth, are being used by international billionaires to finance their footballing experiment. If fans actually realised that 3000 season ticket sales, when no football was watched, went to pay for the club and another 11000 will be used to payback the remaining £2.75m would they all still believe that theses owners brought any value to the club? They have flexed their model, they said they wouldn’t take a penny out. If fans are content with that approach then you end up with the owners you deserve.
i personally think they wanted to cash in after a 5th place finish. But nothing has materialised. I can’t see us plummeting through leagues, nor do I expect them to give the club away. I do suspect there are likely more twists and turns before we’re rid of them.