I can see us plummeting through the leagues if fans pack it in, we have owners who dont want to spend, who want the fans to pay instalments of buying the club. If we drop to 3-5k fans we will have less revenue than alot of league one clubs Could easily drop through the leagues big 18months coning up for the club imo
Got to be careful how you word what you say. They're happy to spend and recruit players, they're just not willing to loan us any additional funds like Patrick used to. And if we trust them as little as a lot online make out, then why would you want to take loans from these owners?
Maybe i worded that wrong what i meant is they wont loan us anything like patrick did so if we drop to 3-5k season ticket holders in league one ( which is a possibility as they have lost alot of the fan base) thats what everything will get cut back to so we will have similar home crowds to donny so obviously the funds for playing squad will be small.
Nah, Donny will be in League 2 next season and they’ve never been able to get decent crowds on a regular basis even when they’re doing well
They'll still back themselves to convert kids to cash. If they essentially pushed lads through the academy with a few free transfers, they could operate at a much reduced turnover.
I agree with donnys crowds but it wasnt really my point my point was if we drop to 3-5k hine crowds next season thats the on field budget taking a massive hit and the owners will do that accordingly as they wont be loaning any money or spending any of there own so i think we could drop even further with so many fans fed up.
Thats what worrys me, the under 23s and kids they signed in the hope were championship players failed miserably. League one isnt a walk in the park it wasnt when we were there last time and its got more competitive.
I wouldn't expect us to be especially competitive, but then I wouldn't expect us to be bottom 3 either. But we'll just have to wait and see what happens with the ownership. In my mind, the likeliest outcome is a lengthy period of treading water with player sales every now and then to top up their pockets.
Think its still the bottom 4 that drop from league one but yeah i dont think we will be competitive at all especially once the season ticket sales plummet and they still want to make the installments from where ever.
I understand why but you do swing too much to the negative side at times. We won't drop to 3,000 supporters in my opinion. Not even close if we see a similar effort to what we saw on Saturday for the rest of the season. If we hadn't have won those last two games under Struber then Madds, Collins, Styles, et al, might have been considered to have failed miserably as well - it was pretty bleak after those Reading/Cardiff games prior to lockdowns. Fine lines, and momentum and confidence can completely change a player/squad. Especially when they're just kids. A midfield three of Benson, Kane and Wolfe next season doesn't fill me with dread or fear. Walton back in goals is hardly a disaster. We'd sell, obviously, but we'd also recruit too. Depending on how that goes would define the season would be my guess.
That's the big issue for me. They want to essentially buy the club for free. It may be legal but I'm not putting another penny into such a scheme.
Yes your more optimistic as opposed to me been pessimistic although I havent always been a pessimist on this board, i blame conway.
I have no objection whatsoever to them paying for the club from the clubs profits. It’s literally how all business investment is funded. The alternative is for them to be putting in millions of their own, and that’s how clubs end up going bust. However; the club isn’t making a profit and hasn’t done since they took over, so I strongly object to them taking money out of the club to pay for it. Particularly as they’re 100% responsible for the fact we’re making a loss.
But to literally pay nothing at all to buying the club I don't like. It's essentially saddling the club with debt. Now I appreciate what you are saying but football is a little different (or at least it used to be) as the customers are supporters. So I suppose I'm in agreement with you. They want to operate like a business I'll treat them like one and choose not to give them my money. It also feels like they are hiding the fact they are doing so, which again given that the customers have massive emotional attachment to the club feels like a bad move. On top of all that I want to support a football club where the primary objective is winning football matches. I no longer feel that is the case
But they didn’t do that! They did spend their ‘own money’ on the original lump sum, it’s only (and I know it’s not a small sum) the £750k further instalment that came out of club funds. And we’ll presume their plan was to pay the rest of the instalments in the same way (if the courts allow).
Fair point, do we know what they did pay up front and how much was to be installments before they basically refused to pay the full amount? Doesn't change the fact that for me I don't like that model and I don't feel motivated to finance it when I see the club been run so woefully.
Ben, 5% of Saturdays crowd protested, granted. But maybe 20% of our usual figure protested by not being there. And elsewhere you mention some admission of their ineptitude? I think those of us a bit longer in the tooth can see that admission coming already, accompanied by a direct debit instruction and request to renew seasonal Membership. I don't see PMG, their operating model, their modus operandi and mostly their morals, being compatible with Barnsley folk or the fibre of the club
I remember crowds, on a regular basis, of between 4 and 5K., so I’m not sure why you are confident that they would never drop to that level again. In fact, it is arguable that there is much more competition for time and money now than there has been in the past.