Decent post, but would it kill you to write "Chinese takeaway" as opposed to "chinky"? I know it's probably not done with malice but it's still not on really.
Shout out to Lee Johnson for helping out with the PowerPoint annotations in his new found spare time. Kudos.
I was at the Garrison tonight and thought it filled it's purpose perfectly well as a public meeting to outline to the powers that be where the club is going wrong. This is not something we have ever heard from the supporters trust as far as I am aware, though I imagine there are reasons for this and therefore a good argument for the existence of an outside pressure group. Very disappointed to hear from many posters here, whose opinions I usually respect on the club, various unkind comments about Luke personally, his presenting style or implying that he trying to 'whip up a mob'. It's clear to me he is a chap that's genuinely interested in trying to do something active to help change the club- something those who prefer to make sarky comments under anoynmous names on an internet forum may want to reflect on.
Took some ******** to do that, fair play, passionate fan that wants change. Still not sure exactly how change will occur but I certainly appreciate that there is people wanting to make it happen. Some very bitter people on here.
Spot on this. You wouldn’t think this was a forum about Barnsley FC tonight. Been more like a bitching session, some people need to give their heads a shake.
It tends to be a process of attrition though. Attendances dwindle over time generally, and a 50% reduction in the space of one season would be pretty calamitous. You may be right, and people will flood back at the first sign of success. For my part, I'm not going back until the current owners move on.
personally think some of the criticism is a bit harsh tbf. he's obviously a passionate fan and he's putting himself up there. his methods might not be great, but I'm guessing he's not got much experience at this kinda thing. he's trying to make something happen though and I've no reason to believe his intentions are dodgy. I give him respect for that. as a Barnsley fan I don't want to see him be made to look daft in all this. I get the impression there are some that are waiting for him to fail. not a fan of that. also, absolutely fair play to Khaled for showing up btw. I really wasn't expecting him to.
I was sceptical before hence why I went, I’m maybe now thinking this link between the FB group and this proposed buyer could’ve got confused in typical social media **** and speculation too.........this supposed owner is all well and good if; 1) PMG want to sell 2) there is a owner with required funds 3) this supposed owner isn’t full of **** I’ll not be taking part in any demonstrations though
But it wasn't what it was labelled as. Not a single bit of new information on the supposed new buyer, which lets be fair, is probably the only reason anyone (including the CEO) turned up for. Tonight could quite easily have been done from Luke's spare bedroom and had exactly the same impact.
Absolutely. After watching a little bit on the Facebook Live Feed, all it is so far is one man's ego trip.
I wish Luke nothing but the best. I hope for all our sakes that what he's claiming is true and h isn't being lied to. I do think he needs to rethink how he advertises the group though because for all his passion I saw nothing different tonight than I do in his podcasts which are equally as good
I'm really going to try and not get involved in giving my opinion on tonight. As someone who knows what it's like to put yourself out there, fairly regularly, and get online/social media criticism, I can appreciate it isn't nice to see, read or hear. But on this, can you point out what you thought was 'new news' or 'new opinion' vs. what the Supporters' Trust have done? My main gripe being that the minutes of the Conway Out Admin Meeting stated that we didn't ask the right questions, the ones Barnsley supporters want answers to, and that they would be seeking to get those answers where we failed. Yet tonight the CEO was in the audience of c. 40 people and he wasn't presented with an opportunity to speak, he wasn't asked anything, and he wasn't spoken to afterwards (in the time I was there). Apologies for having to call out this point but I felt like it needed to be highlighted. Edit - Khaled and Luke spoke at length afterwards so that's one positive
Ok Loko, do you think that if Luke would have given the CEO an hour to answer questions that the CEO would have agreed to do so, and would have given us a full and fair accounting of for example- the 750k, the extent to which the owners influence team selection or the closure of the west stand and the remedial works performed? As regards the supports trust, why have you not gotten any further than Luke or anyone else to answer those key questions? Despite your much lauded contacts with the club?
I thought the trust had got the CEO of the company to answer questions whilst Luke had talked at the CEO without giving him opportunity to reply or am I missing something?
Just to clarify about my mob statement, I’m not accusing Luke personally of anything, just the Facebook group in general and their method of attracting support, and the actions of the minority of members of that group at the weekend. The fact the club aren’t being transparent about a number of issues leads to people creating their own fantastical opinions about motives and issues surrounding the club. It’s not healthy and leads to the sort of unrest we had on Saturday. Not the singing, the issues in the offices. There are many disillusioned fans, but any one with any kind of influence over the fans should be responsible with it.