He’d help himself more if he didn’t like posts that attack other supporters groups, particularly after he said he wanted unity in this
The CEO turned up, put £20 in the charity jar, and spoke to every supporter who wanted to speak to him. You're not really answering my point by putting questions back at me. Would the CEO have answered questions had he been asked? Of course he would considering he turned up. The answers would have been the same as the recent interview, but the follow up questions could have been different. Also, much lauded by who? And ave you watched the recently posted two and a half hour Q&A?
I think the point was that the fb group criticised the st for not asking the right questions, but didn't ask any themselves tonight. I didn't go so I don't know if that's actually what happened, but if that is the case, it's a fair challenge.
I also don't want to criticise, as standing up infront of a group of folk u don't really know and doing a presentation is difficult. To do it for 15-20 mins and keep the room engaged is a skill, to do it for pretty much 90 mins? Well you'd probably be earning your living from it if u can do it well. Tonight it wasn't done that well, I just don't understand the format. The CEO was there, ask him some questions? Get the atmosphere going by probing his answers. I just don't understand how such a huge opportunity was missed. Unless Khaled said he was there just to observe, no questions? But if that was the case, surely you call him out on it. Genuinely flummoxed.
And here we go again. It's not a **** waving contest and shouldn't be. This was always going to happen. We have thousands of fans here hurting. Genuinely pissed off and chalking on it left right and centre. And the best we can do is have a Trust v Facebook group argument. How's about both groups screw your heads on and work together. For the benefit of supporters rather than shouting each other down
Especially considering we asked the ten questions that 'Martin Nettleton' sent us as the 'top priority' ones.
"The answers would have been the same". Think you've said it all there- I've watched the QA and with all due respect to those who worked hard to organise it- were any of our concerns really dealt with in any depth at all? I must have missed it if so. Much lauded by you and Gally mainly, fine you guys put a lot of work in and bace have close contact with the club. Kudos. Have you got any further with answers to those questions? There is no more blood to be gotten from this stone- the owners are not transparent they are merely pretending to be so.
He wasn't though. And I'm sure I'll get the usual 'on the payroll' comments for repeating this, but he was happy to talk and answer questions from everyone there before and after.
I couldn't watch it as all I could see was the pint of coke and some back to front writing on the screen behind. Was it mentioned if the 80% have said they want to sell? Was any information given on the group that wants to take over? Did they give our CEO a chance to answer questions on the stage?
Did you miss the 2 hr q and a interview with the CEO the other day , where everyone’s questions including those put by the Conway Out group were put to him . You might not have liked his answers but they were put him . They had an opportunity to put the CEO on the spot again tonight but it wasn’t taken by all accounts
Any evidence to support this? Because I haven't lauded anything and I don't believe Gally has. I'm struggling to understand your stance here and I want to be really clear so I can get it as it's important to listen to everyone. You're criticising the Supporters' Trust for not getting any further clarity on some of the questions asked, but you're backing a forum just held where the CEO wasn't asked a single question despite sitting through a 90 minute review of the last four years of the club he's CEO of? I have zero opinion or care on where any supporter sits on the 'Conway Out' barometer, but this doesn't feel like an opinion baked in the facts of what just happened.
Does this highlight the different spectrums of Barnsley fans. Ones who associate with the supporters Trust and ones who associate with Luke. We can all have the desire and passion for the club but different ways of going about things and raising concerns
No, I thought the same which is why I went. I appreciate that with the CEO there it was unlikely to be the case, but I thought there might be an open floor for questions. We'll have to see what happens at the QPR match I suppose, that will give more of an inkling as to what BFC fans are prepared to do in terms of putting pressure on the ownership to sell up.
It's a fair point but we've tried on several occasions to talk with Luke but he doesn't seem to be interested. We even had a chat with one of the other guys on the channel who suggested something similar to you and was going to have a word with him. We tried to engage on the Facebook group and got banned off, with others, just for asking some fairly reasonable questions. It isn't as though we haven't tried to engage. Fair play to him for putting it on tonight. It takes hard work and bottle to stand up and do that
Mate - how many times do we have to repeat that we've tried? We got told to 'prove ourselves' before them agreeing to jump on a Zoom call. We attended tonight and were completely visible before and after for any comments or questions directed our way, and I wrote a lengthy message to Luke detailing the need for unity and calling out some of the comments on the group but haven't had a reply. I'm even happy to post that message on here so you can see the personal position I was taking. It's us that are blocked from their group don't forget, so I'm not sure we're the ones that need to screw our heads on to allow open discussion.
I wouldn't draw those conclusions right now. I don't think people have access to all the information and make decisions, opinions, and assumptions solely based on what they know. Only around 30 supporters there tonight when you take away the Trust, the club, and the venue.