I don't think we will get any further there if I respond to each of them but: it's not a genuine question you are just implying they are not qualified to comment because we all know the Q+A didn't get at the key issues in any sense. Not sure what you mean about head hochos, it is just a turn of phrase? Totally separate question but one I've been meaning to raise: did KA answer the question on parking by the East Stand in a previous Q+A I may have missed? Becuase I see a lot of people connected to the club parked there when it's supposedly for emergency services only. Again this is relevant becuase I know of people who have given up going to games at all because they have poor mobility and the new 'disabled' spaces are quite far and up a steep incline from the family end of the ground.
Cheers Andy much respect to you and the gang for walking into what quite easily could have been the lions den....and yes happy with Khalids response.....if I'd seen you I'd have come across and said hello....been sat at the front just 2 tables from the stage and luke I had very little reason to turn around ...think I only turned around once briefly when the security guy came and sat in front of me towards the end of lukes presentation....lol thought is he expecting me to kick off lol One thing we can take from tonight is all those present want what's best for barnsley football club no matter the divide.... I just wish the board would listen then act accordingly....like I said to Khalid all this unrest could have been avoided by employing 2 older heads with the experience needed after all it would leave Paul Conway still 9 places to fill with youngsters to develop and then move on I respect you can't comment on the content of the evenings event....all the best and so sorry to hear the problems Beth endured......those involved should be ashamed of their actions.....no one should be subjected to intimidation and threats....
Sorry but this isn't true. It's a genuine question because if someone hasn't seen it then that might explain why they're asking what they are. If this was a spoken conversation you wouldn't feel that way. I can remember Beth answering questions on this previously at a Q&A but I think that was linked to spaces being lost due to the FanZone years ago. I don't think that specific question has been asked or was sent in to us.
Yes asked last season. The additional spaces were removed last season to accommodate the fan zone. The parking has always been for executive members and spare places were sold each season. With the fan zone taking part of the car park there were no spares. Additional disabled spaces were created based on feed back The emergency access was not related to who can park there rather the exit via Beavor court. The result of the Manchester bombing enquiry was that there was a recommendation that venues have to provide an emergency egress and rendezvous point to the emergency services . The emergency services insisted on this being via Beavor court and at the north east corner and the safety certificate was threatened to be withheld until this was implemented (3 days before the start of the season). The beavor court entrance is now closed to those in the east stand car park
I've not even been to the garrison. However, a few takes. Firstly, all the people who attended are clearly passionate Barnsley fans who want the best for the club so if anyone here has personal digs about people simply for expressing their passion then you should have a rethink of your comments. Similarly, its quite unnecessary to get into a mild slanging match about the relative worth of the Facebook group v the Supporters Trust. It serves no real purpose. Again, we are all Barnsley fans and petty squabbling is undermining. However, in the end, did tonight's meeting actually take things forward? Did it inform people there that changes are imminent or likely and put some flesh on bones? Or did it just tell people stuff they basically already know? Nothing wrong with any of those scenarios but I do think all fans who have an eye on these matters would like to know if there are any developments. Well done to all attended for being passionate Barnsley fans once again.
The way I understood it talking prior to the meeting starting with luke ...Bfc had been approached and the invitation was declined So I was surprised when all from bfc entered... But respect must be given to them all for turning up.... To be honest I think no one should be picking fault with tonight's meeting...constructed criticism yes but not fault ...personally I think the trust and the Conway out group should try and find common ground and put their differences to one side and no matter the divide try and come together to put pressure on PMG to tweak the plan and change direction slightly which apart from the £750.000 I'd guess most would be be satisfied with .....I said at the start of the season we would finish 19th and struggle.....I still cling to the hope that's still attainable although I do question my sanity lol at times
For those who are critical of those that are critical of Luke (I think that reads right) - here's why. A Facebook group bursts onto the scene claiming very real financial backing to remove the current owners of BFC and install new ones who have the best interests of The Club at heart. However, it's then revealed that one of the people involved in setting up the FB group is not actually real and since disappears off the face of the earth, leaving the 'real' Martin Nettleton to have to try to clear his name and distance himself. Said group continues to say they have a buyer who has funds in place - we'll get to that later. Said group then organises a protest which will start at the QPR game. Some vocal fans begin said protest early and damage property at Oakwell as well as committing verbal and physical assaults on employees at the coal face. Spokesperson of FB group immediately says they aren't members of his group, despite the fact that there is no way of knowing this, and that the only place that has advocated protest so far is his group. Spokesperson does not condone the actions of these individuals but insists that something 'has to be done though'. That post has since been removed. At a well publicised meeting, around 50 people turn up for details on The Plan (yes, I know) of the FB group and instead are greeted with a 90 minute presentation about everything that has gone wrong in the last 4 years. There is no new information. No guarantees of the new buyer. Furthermore, the CEO is in the room, and no questions were asked of him (despite numerous criticism of the ST for asking 'softball' questions the other day). Any time this point is raised, members of the FB group do not address this point, and instead wish to have a pop at the ST for their supposed links to the club and lack of action. Despite the fact that the CEO was LITERALLY there in person. They continue to have a pop, all whilst preaching unity and togetherness. Now, you might think I'm being a little harsh and maybe I am. But the reasoning is that I want these current owners gone. I can't stand them. I hate what they're doing. I hate their lies and incompetence. But I also hate being led on and given false hope. We've been told that funds are in place? Where are these funds? Who are these buyers? Have they made contact? Are they in a position to proceed? Who are they? The reason I'm getting pissed off is that I don't like being 'had', by what so far on all evidence is a huge bout of attention seeking by a bloke with a YouTube channel to promote - albeit a very good one, which I have viewed many a time. If this thing turns out to be the real deal, then I will apologise and eat my words. I'll contact Luke directly and make a donation to Barnsley Hospice in his name (hopefully a few quid was raised last night). But until that time I remain sceptical, and the longer this goes on without any evidence, I'll continue to question its motives.
I don't think that question did get asked. Are the spaces that people connected to the club are parked in better situated?
I have read this thread and find it interesting. I think its also interesting that people are polarised to a particular view that seems to have led to a lot of criticism coupled with defence. Its clear there is a tension between the trust (or maybe just members of) and ConwayOut group (or maybe just Luke). This is a forum where it is typical for how people respond to reflect in how its perceived. The chase of evidence of what was said isn't the issue for me. Perception is a powerful element in all this. This thread seems to heavily revolve around who has achieved more between the trust and the conway out group. I cant comment on who wins as i dont understand enough about either. the point in my perception, is that Luke has set expectations for a new owner waiting in the wings, a ground swell of peaceful protest and a new direction to pressure the club. I didnt believe that there was much substance behind it and that seems to be the case. The trouble at the game and now criticism seemed inevitable. i also perceive that people see the trust taking a safe option pushing a questioning agenda. People also percieve this is led and decided by one or two individuals - similar to conway out group. The approach in my opinion seems rational to start with a direct challenge in a professional manner. I think people wonder whats next - do we question conway out of the club? both angles have clearly created a divide not just by the organisations they represent but by the sides other fans choose to take and how well each discredits the other i am a bit aside from it. I watch, listen and often provide a challenge or try to balance a discussion with an alternative view point. I am not a trust member nor am i the invisible potential future investor under lukes revolution. i hope we can find fan unity - whether through organised groups or something else. I hope we can join up the pressure on the club and find a united plan with a roadmap to progress. Maybe Luke was the one to do this but i think its lost credibility. One thing for sure is that there is a visible power struggle for who should lead this charge. I don't have any answers on how to fix it.
That seems to be the way it's going. My worry is that the owners will gloss over reduced ticket sales and explain them away with a host of other reasons. Mainly youngsters involved on Saturday, barely anyone at the meeting last night , as things stand I can't see them being worried. Amd they'll think results are bound to be better in league 1 no doubt. However, if enough of the crowd show their disapproval it could make a difference. Change has to start somewhere.
Who’s footing the bill for these thousands of posters that’s going to get circulated, the proposed new owner??