Maybe so, but when you have fans, many of them young adolescents chanting "Conway out" it's hard to know how many understand the difference. Can't they just come up with a " We want the Chien lee/ conway, Hung, 80% group out, when do we want it ? Now" type chant?? !!
Imagine if Chien misunderstands all this, adheres to the wishes of the fan group (literally) and gives Conway the boot what would happen then?
Probably because since a FB group has popped up in the last fortnight or so, we've had vandalism and verbal/physical assault on Saturday, and now criminal damage last night. It's no coincidence. A Conway Out group pops up encouraging protest and 'action' and suddenly **** like this is happening. The 'unofficial' spokesperson whilst kind of distancing himself from Saturday maintains that "something has to be done". It's quite clear that the two things are linked. It's incredibly naive to think otherwise. This Facebook Group, will cause more problems in the upcoming months both for our matchday staff and other fans.
Someone on the FB group has commented that it was a member of the Supporters Trust in an attempt to discredit the group. Genuine laugh out loud moment that. I can just imagine Loko and Gally with their cans of spray paint thinking they're smarter than the average bear trying to pull this one off. Thick as mince on there.
It's okay to dislike how the club is being run at the top. It's okay to make that known in a sensible manner if that's your opinion. I'm a lefty, I love direct action for a noble cause. But there has to be a realistic objective and a thought-out strategy for it to make sense. This doesn't make sense. This campaign/Facebook group is just giving the green light to our resident morons. It's the normal, local people running the club who have to deal with this shít. It's a drop in the ocean to the owners, and even if it was more, where do you think the money for the bill is coming from? Too many people are inflating the egos of too many people who don't have the slightest clue what they're doing. Even those who've been on YouTube; it doesn't mean they know what they're doing. Spraying our own facilities is stupid. Invading our own match office, run by local lifelong Barnsley residents and fans, is stupid. Assaulting our stewards, most fellow Yorkshire people if not Barnsley fans, is stupid.
thats funny and i wonder if people really believe things they write. anyhow, if it was it would be worded differently and posed as a series of questions. but to comment seriously, there are some idiots in our camp and clearly respond to a gentle push towards them causing trouble
I think I'm going to take a break from the BBS. I might comment on stuff around actual football but I'm done with all these off the field issues. If for one second we assume there is two sides, which there isn't as that's far too simplistic. We're not seeing 'tit for tat' as there aren't two sides behaving the same - one talks about slander, encourages personal criticism of individuals, likes comments criticising individuals and organisations, and replies to the club Twitter account asking if they can throw tins of food intended for food banks. What does the other side do that's the 'tat' in that moment? Appeal for calm, suggest there's a process/strategy to follow to cover the majority of opinion not the minority, push the club for access to the ownership group, and have sympathy with the frustrations of all supporters including those on the other 'side'. The hoax comment aside, we're not comparing apples with apples on this one, and even that comment is looking more credible by the second. 'You need to get your heads together' is repeated. Like there's a stand off. There isn't, but no matter how many times I repeat that one 'side' has tried and the other has rejected those advances, the comment still gets thrown around. The facts are ignored. One 'side' is an open to view forum or open to contact organisation, has been fully available, and has been willing to engage in all conversations around this. The other is on a closed Facebook group, using fake aliases, deliberately or unintentionally setting up an account under the name of a local businessman, kicks off 'troublemakers' and 'club arse lickers' or anyone who isn't 'on board with their aims', and makes 'statements' only to the closed circle. At the same time there's been an inability to completely distance themselves from the sad things we've seen at Oakwell the last two home games, where you condemn something and then say 'but'. Loads of other examples, but the one that really blows my mind is suggestions that the BBS is the same as a recently set up Facebook group, and that Gally could be blamed if any posters on here step out of line. Saying this as if the BBS is a campaign, or a movement, when it's a website with zero personal opinion and isn't encouraging any kind of movement or action. I can't believe this even has to be defended or explained. Admittedly I get too involved and become too keen to try and explain things, often rubbing some people up the wrong way, but it's hard to sit back and let the above points go without challenge whilst also wanting to encourage discussion. You learn nothing by not listening to what other supporters think and I learn things on here every day from the threads and opinions shared that differ to my own. I've always called the BBS enlightening - even the threads you don't comment on. I think it's probably best to just let you discuss it amongst yourselves and try and defuse some of this animosity that drives this perception of the two sides. The BBS isn't a side. It's a website paid for by one supporter, that allows every opinion known to man (within reason) be shared and discussed, and that's exactly how it should stay. It isn't a supporters group. It has no message to back. You only have to take one look at my own Twitter yesterday to see this is spilling over beyond just a few official statements on the Trust website and a few comments on a BBS that I've been part of since I did my GCSE's over 20 years ago (remember Yankee Tyke congratulating me on exams results day). It's becoming exhausting and my involvement in it offers very little really in the grand scheme of things and probably only ends up making things worse - especially considering I'm at such odds trying to understand how a person gets to the thoughts listed above when presented with the facts. About time I put down the shovel.