brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr gonna be a bit cold in the 24/7 house, worse thing still is .pre payment card prices rising even more, remember we once had to get one of those metres fitted after falling 400 pounds behind, what a nighmare it was, you would get a 10er on your card then it gave you 3 pounds emergency button, amount of times we sat in dark because, we could not get card reloaded and 3 quid went in no time average household will pay nearly 2 grand a year for energy
Are central government going to make up the deficit that local councils will not be in due to the council tax rebate? Or will we just see another cut in local services which disproportionately affect the poor?
yes remember when we used to be able to play pitch and putt at Hemsworth park, now its a back to nature meadow, aka the council cant afford to run it
I'm quite lucky bill wise. Live on my own (mostly). No gas. Wood burner. Electric meter. I'm a bit savvy with useage and my annual token spendage last yearly statement was just over £200.
For those of us who are old. It's like living in a macabre story living in the UK. We have seen how conservative governments promise the earth to the population and deliver the opposite. Yet,they still believe they are the party of fiscal probity,security,environment, trade,etc etc. The problem now is they don't even hide their behaviour and incompetence or feel ashamed when caught. In France,Germany, Spain or even the USA, a government raising energy bills in the midst of a recession, in a country with low wages and massive inequalities, would be reason to protest,rebel and demand the government is gone. In the UK,which remember is in northern Europe, so it's cold 6 months of the year,NOTHING. All people will do is switch on their large screen TVs and order some food via Just Eat and do nothing.
The problem is that we have a history of decency. Our constitution is based on us being governed by a class of people who, whilst sometimes being selfish managed to be largely honest, and would be swayed by public opinion. From Thatcher onwards we got politicians who became expert at 'spin', so it became difficult to provide straightforward analysis of the truth. And once we fell into the trap of finding it difficult to know what the truth is, it opened the doors for an outright liar. Our whole national identity is undermined by this. Our parliament has rules against calling someone a liar, but the rules about lying are that the record should be corrected at the first opportunity, and if that doesn't happen, the Prime Minister is called upon to ensure the record is corrected and the minister or member sanctioned. It's considered inconceivable that the PM would be the one lying, or that they would protect their mates, because it's not the British thing to do. So - Vote for Brexit because the EU won't let us reduce tax on your fuel bills!! Not that any of that turns out to be true - The govt refuses to reduce VAT on fuel (unaffordable) whilst the Spanish government does just that (whilst still in the EU)
my Gas/electric bill oct 12th - Jan 12th - £600. Thats without this 50% rise coming, I'm not puttng the heating on until Christmas after this winter is over.
Interest rates up as well. People coming off fixed interest mortgage periods in the next year or 2 are going to get squeezed pretty hard.
I'm very fortunate that I'm on a long term fixed mortgage and my energy is fixed until towards the end of this year. We will no doubt get hit at some point but it gives us more time. I feel really bloody sorry for those at the bottom who are scraping by as it is and are now going to get stung big time. The 'support' provided by the government is nothing short of a joke.
Remember the words of His Highness Tony Blair... There's nothing like hardship for bringing people ( the plebs) back into line. Not by accident all this..