The cap is simply the maximum they can charge. As they said when privatising the energy market, the various energy companies will compete with each other and offer much cheaper deals.......or summat
My local Tory councilors are celebrating the council tax drop and £200 loan as a win! It’s unbelievable really, a further drop in local services and £200 to be paid back by higher fees in future. pure filth.
His policy advisor has quit. He tried to row back on his disgusting slur against Starmer but he couldn’t manage an apology. He’s done.
Also, I don’t want £200 off in October and have to pay it off for the next 5 years. I’d just rather pay my bill as it is.
Apologies but I've not looked into this, is it £200 off if you're dual fuel only? What if u only receive electric and heating is oil fired? Also the council tax rebate bands A-D? So I'm band E, so miss out cos I happen to live in an expensive councils area?
And yes you will miss out on the council tax. I’m band E too so I’m just getting a £200 loan payable over 5 years that I don’t want.
54% increase in energy Increase in charges for mortgagees or those in debt Cut in universal credit Increase in basic food prices since last year. There will be sheer panic, increase in depression/suicide, increase in food bank use, increase in starving kids, increase in crime because of all this. Absolute horrendous situation for many to be in. Never mind though, after years of people already suffering austerity the Tories are levelling up. Huzzah!!
On this day in 1983,unemployment rose to its highest level ever. 3.2 million people,I was one of those, it haunts and scares me still. People look at my middle class lifestyle and think it just happened. The insult of unemployment was the driving force to make a good life. Oh, it was a conservative government back then too.
Where as in the UK........ Notice how the electric standing charge is going up so much so just turning stuff off will still end up with higher bills
Our energy infrastructure has been left to build up to the position we are now in for the past 30 to 40 years. Neither the Tories or Labour governments have done anything to protect us from the current scenario. In today's world of technological advancements we should be seeing falling energy prices not soaring through the roof. Add to that our reliance on other countries for energy supply is like handing over the keys to the treasury so we can be held at ransom at a time of global shortages. Both main parties don't go far enough really to insulate the most needy from the price rises, with the announced plans today and Labours answer to cut VAT, which would benefit high usage people and the rich more than anyone. We need to pile money into fast tracking nuclear fusion as that will be the future. Short term we need other solutions, there must be some way we can produce more energy within the UK than we do at present and with a short timescale to have it in place.
It's alright we don't need gas don't forget we're walking on an island of coal all we need to do is open up all those moth balled pits that the Tories shut in their dash to gas oh **** no we can't cause instead of mothballing them they trashed em then capped em off .