If you can’t understand this despite being told numerous times there’s really no helping you. willfully refusing to see the facts and repeating this stupid point makes you look daft. If you aren’t daft you’d maybe think you’d try and educate yourself on the details. Unless you are actually daft of course.
It’s worth pointing out that your successful recovery from unemployment isnt an automatic consequence of a recession. Nor is there anything that says, because you succeeded anyone can. Our current version of heavily subsidised ‘capitalism’ requires there to be an awful lot of poor people in order to enable there to be a strata of super rich. And just to be clear; I too have a nice middle class lifestyle. I too lost my job (90’s recession), and whilst right now I’m probably in a better place than my pre recession trajectory, it took me well over 10 years for my earnings to go back to pre recession levels. That’s loads of missed opportunities for my kids when they were growing up. And that is the scary thought that makes me hate Tories, they know the only way they can stay rich is to trample on poor peoples kids. And they don’t give a fc uk. And if you think I’m being dramatic.. here it is direct from Michael Gove
Hi DR, that's the problem with the UK,that it's not a automatic route to success, if it ever was. The route to where we are now was troubled by insecurity, sacrifice, stress and a general disillusionment that life for my now adult children, will not be half as smooth. In the 1990s,I believe that the Elites decided to take back control of UK society. On the surface the UK apears the very model of a diverse,democratic social democracy. Where anyone can be who they want to be ,provided they work hard and have the skills. Nonsense, it's who you know,not what you know. Society and roles are more exclusive now than when I was born in 1961. My parents generation would be horrified at what this country has become and returned to. After all the work and sacrifice, post the second world war, in deconstructing society. They now see a UK that is like it was in the 1920s and 1930s. Sadly created by their children, now in their 70s and 80s,who benefited from the change. I don't boast about my current state and apologies for anyone who thinks I do. I'm angry at what this country is,I believe the majority of the population are but without a radical overhaul of our society, which would be brutal to those at the top by them losing their power and influence. It won't happen in my lifetime but I tell the kids at college that the UK will be a much better and fairer contry in the future. Sadly,in the UK, qualifications, skills,hard work,integrity, community spirit, are not a route or method to happiness,contentment and a sense of worth. BUT ONE DAY.....
@Kettlewell I heartily agree with your opinion of how the country has changed. I do wonder how much actual shift would be required to move towards a socially democratic society. You only have to look across the channel and see that the French government have created a windfall tax on energy companies to enable the government to cover the cost of peoples fuel rises. And to Spain, where the Government have just capped the rise at an affordable level. I keep hearing 'because we import our energy', which is a fantastic lie, as we're nett exporter of gas, I don't know by how much, but surely if we export gas, we could convert that to electricity, and be closer to if not 100% domestically self sufficient. And that's without getting into the lie that if we left the EU we'd have more control over our fuel prices - as above, some EU countries are taking more control than us. And why are we so thermally inefficient? Surely there's a brilliant argument to be made for improving all our homes to minimise our use of fuel? Why are most EU countries so far ahead of us in that regard, despite us being 'partners' all these years? It's almost as if we had governments who were more interested in 'growth' caused by higher profits on energy than simply improving the country.
On the day that our Klarnacellor, Rishi Sunak, announced a £200 loan with mandatory repayments to help with the electricity bill, several Insulate Britain protesters were jailed (5 iirc). Improving insulation would certainly help to reduce gas and electric usage and lower bills - and provide work for a lot of tradespeople. Even if you do not get the £200 loan, you have to repay it. Even if you are not currently the bill payer, or are a shared bill payer. Even if you are not even in the country. If you have an electricity bill in the next 5 years you have to repay your £40 each year. No opting out, no way to repay it early. Enjoy!
So they are giving everyone a £200 loan to help with energy prices, which will in effect put everyone’s bill up by £3.33 for 60 months