Really? Centre half at left back Left back on bench 2 sub keepers No Matty Wolfe in squad at all 2 little lads one a midfielder and a lazy sod up front. No shots on target Clueless
Conman could do the job. Well I'm sure he has some input into the team selections anyway. No point in paying another head coach, let's have lard arse in the dug out!!
The more I think about that starting XI, the more I think it can only have been Poya trying to get himself sacked from a job he regrets taking.
I would get shut now. He hasn’t a clue. Just chuck him on gardening leave if we can’t afford the pay off.
Deffo needs to go now. We're down anyway. Keeping him just means we start next season on the back foot before a ball's even been kicked. Just use even a modicum of common sense with the next appointment and we begin in L1 with a fighting chance.
The CEO needs to go with him, clean sweep. He is just as much of a problem. Im guessing he's part of the team selection bingo.
How have we got to a situation where we don't create enough chances and are poor at putting away the ones we do. Some of these players excelled last season, they've all played the game since bairns and been coached intensively by various people most of their lives. This season's head coaches may be poor motivators, unable to get the best out of them and tactically inept...but surely a lot of what happens out on the pitch should be instinctive.