And like a moth to a flame I've just read on Tykes mad Young Nudger trying to stir up trouble and slagging off this site and @Gally . What a sad bitter man he is.
Have to say it’s refreshing to see all the replies to him was about not bringing it on to their board.
I wonder if he was non racist when he was a football hooligan too? A sort of equal opportunity yobbo.
To be fair you could say that about any Facebook group. Horrid right wing echo chamber. Brings out the worst in everyone.
Not strictly true mate. But I get what you are saying. I'm a member of 2 x S74 groups and both are information and like minded people reminiscing.
Fair play to the other side, they've given YN a reight pasting there - and none more than Hemmsy, bless him
You mean that not only on the FB page is there a bloke pretending to be a local businessman, on Tykes mad there's someone using the name Hemsy Phil and its not him??? What is the world coming to!
I think it's a different individual. Nudger in full on "I'm not a racist, because" mode now, which seems to be going down a treat with his new audience.