I've checked the score 3 times today. I've not even checked the starting line up. I'm getting old or bored with this, or bored and old.
It's like an episode of Chucklevision. After a hilarious series of misunderstandings, Paul and Barry accidentally end up player-managing a Championship football club.
Luton aren’t even any good and they’ve got to 7th. It shows how average this league is and how we’ve still somehow managed to underachieve on any metric you care to measure. I think we would agree all things being equal we would struggle in this league but this is simply unacceptable.
GET THE ******* BALL FORWARD YOU BUNCH OF MUPPETS . Trying to play our way out of the corner 3 minutes into injury time!
Palmer will fall down the league's pretty fast if he doesn't buck up and Donovan was the hide and seek champion for us.
A decent first half showing followed by an abysmal second half. I don’t know what the manager was trying to do with his substitutions but they didn’t work and they had zero impact on the game in fact you could argue we looked worse as a result. At the start of the day I was thinking lets give the manager a couple more games to see the impact of the new signings on the side but he looks incapable of winning a football match.