Isn't giving 100% a pre-requisite? Every season? I don't mind if it's not good enough, but if it's not there ......
Agree Fi. I can cope with not being good enough. I can't tolerate not giving 100% though. We used to be called Battling Barnsley......
The league doesn't lie after nearly 30 games. We have been crap for most of the season led by 2 managers /head coaches who are totally clueless and have run out of Ideas. Time to sack em off and see off the season doing damaged limitation. Then the board to get on its hands and knees and plead forgiveness to the fans who have told them what the problem has been, but treated like **** for season 2021/22. Then bugger off into oblivion.
Running their nuts off and giving everything should be mandatory! Mindst when the coach is stood there with his hands in his pockets looking lost what hope is there? If only there was an inspirational coach currently not in work who could give them a kick up the @rse….oh wait a minute
We have some injuries as well that I’m pretty sure and rushing back to be match fit…. I’ve never see a team as mentally weak. Which is why Morris was shouting at them all yesterday…
It's utter rubbish, in my opinion. There's also a huge difference between a person's opinion and a fact.
Afternoon, mate. Hope you and your family are well? Whilst ever I've been on the BBS, there's always some fan who insists that when we have a successful season, it's down to luck. Be it 2006, 2016, 2019 & 2021. It was even claimed by a poster who admitted although he was too young to witness it, we were lucky to win promotion in 1997. His logic? The 'likes' of Tranmere, Southend, Grimsby & Oldham were also in the division! No mention that Wolves, Manchester City, Norwich & Crystal Palace were also in it!
Yeah we're well. George is at nursery now. Cheers mate. I made that post in the heat of the moment last night. I enjoyed that season as much as the next supporter and wasn't complaining at the time. It's just a shame it's unravelled so drastically this season. I don't think there's anybody squarely to blame on the footballing side. It was all done pre season. Schopp was a disaster. However, I can see what this Asbaghi is trying to do. To me he's very much like Struber but he isn't having any luck. As a consequence he's panicking and making himself look incompetent. The players just aren't confident enough to implement them correctly.
Yep, but the value of our assets will be sky rocketing with our new found Barcelona-esque approach to the game. Go Balance Sheet!! Can't wait to see the value when the accounts come out - that's why I got into watching football as a kid ...
Can’t understand why people think we weren’t deserving of where we were last season . We had the same rules, conditions as everyone else in that league . Luck can get you so far maybe enough to win a game or two but over a season you are where you deserve to be . We were where we were last season because of hard work , good tactics for for the players we had and a desire to win at all costs . We are where we are this season not because of bad luck , but because of uninspiring tactics and a team that gives up before we’ve even started . What got us yo where we were last season is the polar opposite to where we are this season , not because of any luck bad good of otherwise . Not because the rules favoured us we had the same rules as anyone else . People who are demeaning last season need a reality check because we were good last season and determined just as were **** this season and can’t be arsed . We were lucky my arse
This in a nutshell. Living in Leeds it's hard for the kids with their LUFC dominated schools. Son (16) ST holder but only comes to midweek games as "better stuff to do on Saturday's ". Daughter (14) ST holder still comes a bit more but enthusiasm waning. Be a struggle next season. Me? I coach my daughters team Sat am and spent all season hassling the clubs pitch guy making sure we get an early ko so we can still leg it to Oakwell in time. Wish I hadn't bothered now. After Covid never thought midweek games would be a chore again but leaving work early, fighting the traffic (live north Leeds) coming back through regular M1 night time roadworks really feels like an effort. Roll on the summer.....
Not sure how pointing out the possible reasons for why we did well last season amounts to inferring that it was down to luck. You surely make your own luck by exploiting whichever factors might be in your favour at that time. Equally, those factors might not always exist...
Feel very similar, I blame the 2 **** managers completely for the poor form, you've only to look at Forest and Boro recently to see what a difference a good manager can make to the same squad of players. If add Blunts to that as I was calling for Hecky prior to this clown getting the job. Schopp and Poya were gamble appointments and they've failed miserably. Season is over, we've a core if players that should be good enough to bounce back but under a turd manager we're going nowhere but downwards.
Inferring we had good luck last season is inferring we’re having bad luck this season instead of being good last season and **** this season . Luck good or bad only has a slight bearing on a full season we are where we are because we deserve to be .
I can't see us winning another game this season and that would equate to 2 wins from 46 league games. ******* hell, that's disgraceful. We may draw 3 or 4 between now and the end of the season if we're lucky. Poya needs to go but it's about time the players took responsibility. A lot of them are massively underperforming and are bringing shame on this great club.