I think most of them would struggle in league one and the ones that wouldn't won't see themselves as league one players and will be trying to move to other championship teams. I'm not telling you you're definitely wrong and I'm definitely right. I just think I'm right... I'd also be chuffed to bits if they all stayed and blitzed L1 next season.
Well 2 of our forwards , Woodrow and Collins have done more than alright previously in L1, Brittain has L1 experience. I don’t see a mad rush from Championship clubs for our players. A clearout would mean mass recruitment, and I can’t see that happening. , Some out, some in,
If Woodrow, Collins Et Al. are all as good as some on here are making out they'll have no shortage of clubs coming in for them, especially when other clubs smell blood in the water cos we're desperate to balance the books. Anyway, I've stated my standpoint on this a few times now and my opinion hasn't changed. Have a great day.
Just wanted know why you think a clear- out would be beneficial to the club, when we have some players that are quite capable of making a good impact in L1. When I put Collins I actually meant to put Morris.
Morris is the only one I'd keep if I could. And when I say I want a clear out, I mean top to bottom. The entire board/owners, CEO, coaching staff and players. None of them fill me with any confidence either on the playing side or business side and I'd prefer to just start again from scratch. I appreciate some might see that like throwing the baby out with the bathwater, but I just see the club as it is as broken beyond repair.