Does one exclude the other? I do many more aways than homes simply due to location and work commitments. I think you've just proved my initial post.
If Fan A watches a 'dodgy stream' and Fan B goes to the game, why does Fan B think that Fan A can't comment about the performance? They've watched the same game and arguably Fan A has had the better and clearer view of it.
Currently 60/40 against. I wonder if this is a porthole into how divided the fans are, on how they think we should be going about things?
A lot more will be against it. People that post on things like this and Twitter .... are significantly more likely to get involved in things like that. The old women that sat in front of me at Preston for example in at least the 70s wouldn't be getting involved in that from some of the things they said about fans not getting behind the team.
Not for me. Interesting poll, but it's run its course & any qualitative views can be shared on more recent threads. I voted No but respect the 40%+ who went Yes. All fellow fans & don't see it as a point of division. Thanks to Helen for giving us this view ... Honestly anticipated it'd be 60:40 the other way.
If there where no Fan B then there would be no team to watch for the so called Fan A you get that?
Not sure this is true tho, Covid meant a season of empty grounds, we haven't seen the widescale death of numerous teams that was predicted. If no fans was the norm, football would survive, they'd find other income streams. And we'd win more games again.
You may find that Fan A has paid far more into the club over the years than Fan B and circumstances mean that he/she can't go as much as they used to. It doesn't mean they don't also pay into the club when they can and it doesn't make them less of a fan. Comprende?
Still don’t see the point until there is a realistic alternative - I’d rather we got behind the team than create a toxic atmosphere. Doesn’t mean I like what’s happening but “Conway Out” doesn’t work without with someone to replace the current regime.
Lets see what happens, im sure we will have something to talk about saturday evening unless we win of course then everything is ok again.
The more...let's say...discerning supporter...wants change, but is cautious how it comes about. We could easily make the situation worse; there's no guarantee that shouting loud and acting obnoxiously hounds out the 80%ers and wins a better owner. A hasty disposal of the club could leave us in less safe hands and threaten our very existence.
I'm not even sure I want the owners out. I DO want them to be given notice of the deep dissatisfaction about the way they're running things though. Holding up a poster on Saturday isn't going to hound them out of the club. If enough people do it though it might just send them a signal.
I think it'll be nasty tomorrow - let's summarise events so far. The Facebook Group have managed to galvanise a few kids into verbal and physical assault, criminal damage and a handy bit of vandalism. In response to this, the club correctly feel it necessary to employ extra stewards tomorrow to deal further potential problems. This seemingly will be a red rag to a bull from reading the well written and sensible responses on the Conway Out page. All the while, the so called organised demonstration has not materialised and the 'spokesperson' hasn't piped up for a while regarding his new buyer who definitely has the funds in place and who was definitely organising an 'official' protest for the QPR game, but now who definitely says there isn't time to do one properly. The more this goes on the more I become embarrassed to be a Reds fan. There's going to be aggro tomorrow under the pretense that 'something has to be done'. I'll also bet a penny to a pound that there'll be infighting between fans, when folk who aren't bothered about holding these posters get abused for not doing so. I just hope that nobody gets seriously hurt - be it employee, protestor or third party bystander.
@Fonzie I’m quite away from all this but really concerned when a Facebook group are galvanising kids to commit crime. What have they actually done to muster these youths to commit acts of vandalism and assault innocent victims? If there has been a coercion to undertake illegal acts then that in itself is a crime and needs to be dealt with.
You're overreacting @Fonzie. I really doubt there'll be enough handing out posters etc for their to be any aggro if folk don't take one. Yes there may be instances of kids acting up ( and grown men old enough to be grandparents were standing back encouraging them, the cowards)but I doubt it's going to be as bad as you portray. I think it's more that people have decided not to bother going, apathy is king rather than protest. Very different at Nancy where they got protests going quickly.. You may deride Killians efforts re. the United posters he's produced but he and the others involved there have really got the ball rolling.
When the 'spokesperson' suggested chucking tins at the foodbank then it's not surprising. Then within a few games of the group forming, we've suddenly had the trouble in the box office, the seat chucking and the graffiti. Maybe it's just a coincidence, I don't know. Maybe the 'somethings got to be done' attitude gives people enough rope to do what they like with. I want the board out. I hate them. But these thugs don't speak for me.
Fair points Helen. I suppose we'll see tomorrow. But if you gave me an even twenty quid to place on trouble or no trouble, then I know where'd I would place the bet.