I’ll start with this one: I’m going to forgo my half time pint … just like every other game this season since the club closed the bar in the east stand upper! (#bettermatchdayexperiencemyarse)
I won't be bringing my high powered binoculars as I don't want to see the scoreboard, accepting there's only a 50% chance that it'll be switched and/or display the correct score at any given time
I will be joining you on that one - also I prefer to give my hard earned readies to the Riding for the Disabled than Mr Conway I also wont be buying food or drink in the ground as a protest as I prefer to be guaranteed what I want will be available and it to be hot (not scalding hot, or lukewarm)
I'm going to wave my three plastic West Stand passes at the turnstile operator and scream "YOU TELL ME WHICH ONE IT IS THIS WEEK?" * * Actually, I would never take it out on turnstile staff.
I'll be protesting by walking a more circuitous route to the East Stand -fck Conways wvil plan to make me as fat as him by blocking off Beavor Court! What an utter backstard!
Going to buy my pie and free pint and offer them down the queue to the next 2 people who were separately going to buy a pie and a pint.
I'm going to boycott my half-time queue up to buy a cuppa only to eventually get to the front and be told, without fail, that they've run out of hot water.