Equally anyone who is respectfully and peacefully protesting today should be allowed to do so. There are a lot of people, me included, who are disgusted with the way the club is being run at the moment and those people have every right to voice that discontent in the right manner and NOT be accused of encouraging violence or vandalism.
The supporters argue whilst Billionaires take money out of your pockets to try their football experiment whilst destroying our football club.
Agreed. It's the old Divide and Conquer tactics. All Supporters should stick together. We all want what is best for our Football Club
By quoting me you seem to make the assumption that someone not wanting to be associated with the advocation of confrontation from Mr Juddy likes the current regime of Mr Conway and his friends.
I wouldn't hold a Conway out poster, simply because I don't see a viable alternative. The mysterious backer from the Facebook group gives me no reassurance by not going public and our other options are slim to none. Especially after a dire season so far, unless they get us for a quid it is hard to see the value in a guaranteed relegation as it demands investment to get back to form.
Nope but I thought it was a good opportunity to point out that the vast majority of us who would like to see a strong message sent to the board aren't thugs and vandals. The people who protest in the right manner today DO represent me.
I still resent you quoting me as if my stance is fuelling Mr Conway’s disposition by association - I don’t think you would like the same treatment.
In fact I do apologise. Juddy, phrased things very badly but equally there are those who are suggesting that any protest they feel linked to the Facebook group is an incitement to violence. If that's not you then fair dos.
I’ll back jud up on this. I know him and I know he’s not aggressive. Words taken out of context, which is understandable as most people don’t know him and are just reading the words. Fair dos. He’s not a scrapper though. Honestly.
I appreciate your apology and share everyone’s frustrations - as stated more eloquently than me above until there is proved to be an alternative any “Conway Out” claims are purely academic. Thanks once again.
I'm just sad to see the fanbase fractured and arguing like this as a result of the shambolic running of the club. Many things have factored into my decision to stay away but this certainly doesn't make me want to come back.
Narr then KFC can tha bring them kids along to next home game.? What was their reactions of the day fella?
It's been a magic day, thanks to those asking. I'm sure we've made some lifelong reds today. Special thanks to @YTBFC for helping arrange for them to be flagbearers. We were the group that walked across bottom of Ponty just as the game kicked off. I'm open to offers to fund them to come every week as good luck charms!