Funny how peoples opinions differ ' i once watched a programme called Brian conleys favourite tv (summat like that) where he had a guest every day to discuss their favourite programmes growing up' it was really surprising to hear Linford christie say that their fave show as a family was love they neighbour. When asked why ' considering the content he replied that the black guy gave as good as he got and the white guy always got the **** end of the stick ( or words to that effect) in the end..
I often wondered what proportion of his audience take it at face value. He must be laughing his socks off though, having small minded idiots pay for him to take the piss out of them to their faces.
I'm not talking about this particular show as, although I know what it is, I never watched it. But with any satire you run the risk of the thing you highlighted happening. The pub landlord is probably the best example of that. Edit - and if I'd bothered to read the rest of the thread before posting I would have seen @Donny-Red had already highlighted this!
Small minded idiots or people who have a sense of humour and are happy to go with the flow' its a bit of fun...
Strangely enough; one of the lads that works for me originates from Curacao, and he said only the other week how he enjoyed Love Thy Neighbour.
It wasn’t funny? must be a right miserable get then....... and has as already posted it was set up for the black guy to win all the time........I think you need to go and find a sense of humour mate
You’re clearly not having a laugh. There’s more comedy on tv and live comedy now than at any time in my life. But you keep peddling the ‘woke’ nonsense.
Might be more of it but it’s quality not quantity that counts and if you think “Love thy Neighbour” wasn’t quality then you the one having a laff mate!
If they're unironically laughing at the Pub Landlord because they agree with him then they're small minded for holding those views, and idiots for not realising they're literally the butt of the joke.
Of course they know they're the butt of the jokes' thats what i was pointing out' not everybody gets offended when the jokes on them' rob brydon does the same thing in his live show' they get a dozen or so people' get their names occupation' where their from' their partners names etc then they remember all those peoples details for the whole night and intergrate them into the show totally unscripted' i think its a real talent and the audience love it..
I enjoyed it at the time, I was besotted with Kate Williams. On reflection there was a clever ruse employed that allowed all manner of racist language and behaviour from Jack's character - you nig-nogs coming to white man's country, sambo blacking up etc - because at the end of each episode, the black man would come out on top.
Let me get this straight... You were watching a show that featured Nina Baden Semper, but you were besotted with Kate Williams. The mind boggles...
Here’s a thing. I grew up in the 70’s with West Indian next door neighbours. Did you? And yes we all thought love thy neighbour was funny ‘at the time’. But was it as funny as taskmaster? Nope, mock the week? no. last leg? No. I’ll go to a few live comedy gigs this year, will you? So who is best placed to give an opinion on whether comedy is better then or now? And what evidence do you have that comedy doesn’t exist in these woke infested days? Because I’ve loads of evidence that not only does it exist, it’s actually bigger and better.
I just didnt find it funny. Apologies for not having the same sense of humour as you. Rising Damp Fawlty Towers Porridge i would class as funny 70s sitcoms to me.