Thought I was in for a short game then took 4 attempts to get the 2nd letter. First 6 since the first day but still on 100%.
I had a similar end game. Luckily I had eliminated some of the 2nd letter options earlier, went for the one that seemed very apt and then was left with only one word it could be.
I had a 6 today as well though its not my first I only had one letter after 3 guesses as well. Was sweating a lot when I hit enter on guess 6
How do you get the coloured squares? When I paste it looks coloured but after it's posted they're all white.
Take a screenshot and post the image works for me - cant make it work reliably any other way 4 for me today - for the first time I tried the approach suggested by @Jay and on guess 3 played 5 new letters to minimise the chances of going through just one or 2 changes and running out of guesses and it worked a treat this time