Poya's decision making is bizarre. Coventry had already had 17 attempts on our goal, the team were absorbing pressure, Coventry were always going to throw the kitchen sink at us in the closing stages and we had shown no wish to attack them. Result? Poya takes off an excellent defensive LWB in Vita, and replaces him with a striker who couldn't trap a bag of sand but did once score a worldy against a league 2 outfit. I just couldn't understand the logic.
Absolutely. Do you remember a few months ago when someone on here posted a thread about Terry Hall from The Specials? He had been to see him the previous night and said he was rubbish. Sang half heartedly with his back to the crowd and just generally didn’t give the entertainment his fans had paid to see. This is what we are getting this season. Paying our money to not get entertained. I have genuinely seen us lose games, but give 100% before, so not felt overly disappointed. Last season, I paid my money (3 season tickets) but could only watch on iFollow due to covid. But this season, folk have dug deep week in week out and simply are not getting entertainment. We know we have a number of at least half decent players in our squad but bad, bad management, from the top down, has stripped the entertainment out of watching us and that will surely be evident when ticket renewals slump next season.
I don’t think there was a lack of effort yesterday - Quina aside maybe. We battled for every ball we punted forward and we defended resolutely, forcing a playoff team in to taking pot shots and not once really troubling Collins in goal. We are bottom of the league don’t forget, and there for a reason that isn’t just down to head coaches and owners (though they take the brunt of the blame). We’re just so, so poor from an attacking sense. We could have attacked more, definitely, but at the same time our players going forward just aren’t good enough so there’s no guarantees we don’t walk away with a 3-0 defeat. Poya isn’t the man for this job. Poor appointment at the wrong time. But I think we’re sometimes guilty of not realising how poor this squad is at the moment. Was easier for Morais to go all out attack (seen him mentioned earlier) when you’ve got McBurnie, Hammill and Moore as your attacking threats, and someone like Gardner protecting the back four. But even that didn’t work out in games and the Derby match that got us relegated was a disgrace.
Haven't you seen the highlights? They weren't pot shots, they were gifts that Coventry didn't take. I'd also argue that they did trouble Collins. My evidence for that is the fact we lost
I watched the game live. A couple of chances they could have done better with but it was lots of pressure on the goal without anything clear cut and no saves from Collins that weren’t routine - the one in the first half for example. You know what I meant. You didn’t need to put forward evidence.
Loko, I am not specifically talking about yesterday. I didn’t go so am not best placed to judge on yesterday. Though big respect to those who did. You’re a music man (is it The Script who you have seen plenty?), and I actually prefer live music to football in all honesty. But at a gig, you pay your money and pretty much always come away having been entertained. It just seems that general opinion is that folk won’t stand for it any more and are staying away, despite having already paid this season, and/or not renewing next season. That said, I will probably renew, but for the enjoyment of the days out with my son. But Coventry, yesterday, is a game that would have been on my radar for an away day (off work, less than two hours drive away) but I expected nothing so gave it a miss. In fact, I haven’t done an away match this season because I pay to be entertained and the entertainers aren’t delivering.
Didn’t the same happen against the Blades? Sure I read that Cole said the players took it on themselves to attack when we went 3-0 down. If that’s the case, then Poya is on borrowed time.
We had had a worldy goal from Quina.. who rarely scores and against a QPR side that lost to us Peterboro and Millwall in the space of ten day. The victory gave us a bit of false hope for me.We just had the rub if the green against a poor QPR side... One Swallow n than..
Poor finishing from Coventry doesn't mean we defended resolutely and forced them into pot shots in my opinion. We defended **** and gifted them chance after chance which they failed to take. I can give no credit to our defence for them missing so often. It's like giving the goalkeeper a big well done if the striker puts a penalty into row z
Honestly is he still here. I think last week was a fluke. We need someone in who is not afraid of Conway and co
My bad. Wrong band. Is it Aqua? The Outhere Brothers? ….is it The Cribs? You get my point. Sorry for accidentally labelling you a teeny bopper.
Closet Aqua fan. Had The Outhere Brothers on repeat as a teenager. But definitely The Cribs and not The Script. I agree on wanting to be entertained. My point is that all out attack with this fragile squad could result in some hidings and that’s not very entertaining at all. Neither is what we’re seeing. QPR was a happy medium that delivered both. My main point was the quality of our squad to deliver against these ambitions. Without a midfield you’ve got no chance in this league.
Another poor analogy because it didn’t feel like a real chance after chance game watching it live. Lots of pressure, and you sensed the goal was coming, but more because we had nothing to fight back with so invited the pressure on and eventually cracked. Inevitable really but the options on the bench were so poor because of the unbalanced squad we’ve assembled.
Was that the only reason the options were so bad or is it because the coach has scapegoated a striker based on 45 minutes in a Gail and has decided that a popular midfielder isn't allowed to be a midfielder anymore?
I'm the same. In the early part of the season I rarely missed away. Blackpool was a turning point for me - an awful, turgid, couldn't be bothered to compete performance. In previous seasons I wouldn't have missed Birmingham, Forest, Coventry away as they're all closer than a home game for me. I didn't even consider going to any of them.
We have dont that all through poyas time here when the cross is on or a early ball into the box we turn back and play a backwards sideways pass. Never seen out like it very odd.