Did I hear correctly? I think I heard him say that the lifting of restrictions are for 9 months. That these plans are for 9 months. That seems to lead nicely into what have become yearly December restrictions. On a positive note it was nice to hear him finally say 'x amount of people are dying after a positive test. of course not all of those will have died due to covid'. No **** sherlock
I thought he was mentioning low covid deaths for the next nine months. Basically getting us ready for possible restrictions in the run up to Christmas.
I didn’t watch as I can’t bear Johnson’s voice. This was my ‘did I hear that correctly?’ moment from Matt Hancock.
If you're ever in the unfortunate position of being seriously ill in hospital, ask to be exposed to a bit of Covid. It's bound to help.
I mean that’s a factually correct point to make when you allow for the sarcasm. But it’s about as relevant to what you quoted as me responding to the Khan Brook thread with something about tiddlywinks.
I'm a bit fed up of this 'with' and 'because of' Covid argument. I don't think having Covid helps anyone in hospital fighting for their life.
Splitting hairs over whether it was covid that killed people or the disease they already had is a bit like saying we didn't need to where condoms in the 80s when engaging in sexual intercourse with new untested partners because HIV didn't kill anybody because the people who sadly passed away after contracting HIV died of infections not HIV.
Quite right mate. Anyone with a compromised immune system or respiratory problems WILL be adversely affected even by the omicron variant which must be seen as a contributory factor at the very least. What worries me is that there is still some delta in circulation and stopping all restrictions could easily mutate to produce a dangerous new variant. Just because omicron is relatively benign, it doesn't preclude the occurrence of a new nasty one.
My take on the current situation is that ending all restrictions is a very difficult decision to make - one which the buffoon in Downing street is totally incapable of making. He's a lucky b'stard though so he'll probably get away with it.
Yes but HIV didn't lead to global lockdowns, enforced isolation, human rights infringements, mask wearing, experimental vaccinations and a spider web of lies for two years. Neither did they skew the death figures (if you died 'with covid' you went down as a covid death) to impose further restrictions. They just said wear a condom, take precautions. They trusted the people basically. The two are simply incomparable.
Boris doesn't give a toss how many people this kills just so long as it keeps his back benchers sweet and him in number 10 no matter what Sue Grey says about him or what the plod do to him
Probably because you couldn't catch HIV by just walking into a room where someone with the infection has been breathing out / shedding the virus whereas you can catch Covid like that. I'm sure if HIV had been airborne we would have spent most of the 80s under restrictions.
This is not really comparing like with like is it though? To catch HIV you had to share body fluids with somebody to have any chance of getting it and even then there was a more than even chance you might not. You can catch COVID just by walking near to someone....
But we have had other infectious diseases in the population such as flu, and interesting Whitty is saying 9 months, basically until flu season. I think the last two years have been hugely exaggerated and over the top, if you look at the actual number of deaths from covid alone it is akin to the flu. We need to learn to live with it the same way we do influenza. I've personally had flu. I didn't leave my flat for two weeks. I literally couldn't get up off the sofa and felt like I was at death's door. I haven't had covid (as far as I'm aware), but I think it's important to point out before someone jumps in and says I'm trying to play it down or whatever by saying it's 'just like the flu', because obviously the flu kills the elderly and affects those with serious health conditions too. But we have to live with it and adapt as human beings.
No, I wouldn't personally choose that comparison though. You can catch a lot of things by being in the vicinity of someone, naturally.
Tories got bored of caring, also Richard Madeley is incredibly thick, also Andrew Bridgen is an utter c * * t.
Normally Flu doesn't fill hospitals to bursting point normally flu doesn't leave previously fit healthy people on their knees health wise for months afterwards we have lived with flu for hundreds of thousands of years and built up a degree of immunity to it but even so if a new variant of flu appeared that affected people like Covid did before the vac we would face restrictions make no mistake about that.