JOE ACKROYD JOINS MFK VYŠKOV ON LOAN Club News Barnsley Football Club can confirm that Joe Ackroyd has joined MFK Vyškov on loan. Continue reading on the official site...
Can we extend the pronunciation section of the website to include clubs at which our players are on loan. We're 8 letters into that team before we hit a vowel.
I'm not sure this is the best time to be sending one of our young kids to the eastern part of Europe.
That about as far east into Europe as I’d be wanting to go at this point - it’s only about 400 miles to the western Ukraine border. But still, it’s not really Eastern Europe. Pretty central.
It was behind the iron curtain back in the day, and depending on Putins mood, who knows if he thinks it should be again. I certainly wouldn't be sending a young lad there at this time, that's absolutely for sure.
If Putin invades the Czech Republic then it’s ww3 time, probably being there would be as safe as anywhere.
It's not just about a potential war in the country, we're sending a young lad a long way from his support structure and family to a few hundred miles away from a war zone. Unless you're completely naive and unaware of general news, you're going to be very aware of that. I often talk of a duty of care for our young players rather than just treating them like trades to be made on a stock exchange.
Agree, though the quotes read like he actually travelled out there some time ago. I guess all the club have to go on is any official foreign office guidance about travel there, and the player and his family will have been happy with the arrangement when it was agreed. But overall I agree, it's not a part of the world I'd be looking to travel to at the moment.
Unusual decision both personally and professionally. We don't need to send our children to overseas countries where they don't speak the language ,to become mature and develop life skills.
I think we have to assume the club haven’t just taken him into the office one day and said “here’s a ticket you’re off to the Czech Republic for 6 months, don’t forget to write. Bye.” Working and living abroad for 6 months is a fantastic opportunity for someone if they want it, this can be a good thing and not just something to “endure”. It seems a peculiar English thing that we are suspicious of foreign ways and assume it’s somehow not a life enhancing opportunity.
Like others on here I have had the privilege of living and working overseas during my lifetime, the first coming at 20 years old when the RAF sent me to a small island off the coast of Oman called Masirah. During that tour I also got to visit other bases in the Middle East but the highlight was a week at RAF Gan in the Maldives. These were life-enhancing experiences for a young man, and even better followed much later when I got to live in Germany for three years before we withdrew from that country. Good luck to Joe. I hope he makes memories there to last a lifetime.
Such a thing can be character making and character breaking. You're talking to someone who loves travel and different cultures, so you're barking up the wrong tree with your inference in this case. My issue is there is a war going on and tensions in that region are going to be extremely high, plus it seems he's going to be on his own. Surely it's very simple to see what an extraordinary out of the norm situation we're in?
Like I say, I think people are getting themselves into a twist about this. Russia is not going to attack a nato country, therefore the Czech Republic is as safe as anywhere, and if they DO attack one of the nato countries then it’s the end of the world as we know it, because we will be at war with them.