My stepsons season ticket didn’t work at the turnstile, so him and his Mum where told to go to the box office for a replacement ticket. My Mrs was charged £5 for a replacement season ticket NOT a paper ticket for just todays game!! Apparently they where quite a few fans having the same problem. Is this something that’s come in this season as I had a similar problem pre covid and never had to pay for a replacement season ticket
Depends on state of card. If it’s scratched etc so can’t be read, then not clubs fault so should be charged. If in perfect condition, then I wouldn’t expect a charge.
Fair enough if you lose it. My sons friend forgot to bring his a couple of times earlier this season and didn't get charged.
Having the QR code on a phone or smart watch makes the turnstile operator's life much easier, I'll tell you that much. Always works instantly, whereas with the smaller codes on the physical season tickets the scanner has to decide if the phase of the moon is correct, the humours are finely balanced, and the barometer says fair. And if you dare make a joke about if it'll scan before you try it, the scanner knows. It knows and it plots.
Spent about 30 mins sorting our flag out. The storms gid it a good batterring, sorted it though, Our flag took a beating. Enjoyed every moment.
Well I have used both and not seen any differrence . My personnel preference is the card then I don't have to faff about with the phone .