I think mentalities such as the one in this thread - DONT BUY ANYTHING RUSSIAN - absolutely seeks to demonize Russians. I also think China would 100% back Russia if push came to shove. And I think on your last point, it partly says something about Putin, but it also says something about how polarized we have become as a civilization; how narrow minded; and how people (fueled by the media and social media in particular) so readily see things in terms of 'us versus them', where there is always an enemy to be humiliated and demonized, which leads to more hatred and division. It contradicts the ideals that they claim to be fighting for. You could also say that the emergence of cancel culture is fuelling the current hatred of Russia; the social media warriors who wilfully disregard those they are told to oppose as sub-human and would gladly see the annihilation of ordinary Russian people through their association (to Putin) alone. Ordinary Russian citizens also have a right to life without the threat of discrimination or mass denunciation due to the actions of someone who falsely claims to represent them, despite what the keyboard warriors would so passionately have us believe to the contrary. That's my reason for posting in answer to the OP, I have nothing more to say but I appreciate the exchange, it's important to talk about it and I appreciate your respectfulness and your thoughts on the matter. I'm also not saying that you personally are guilty of any of the above, I am just discussing the collective mindset of advocating for the affirmation of the OP, and the dangers of doing so. To sign off, I don't agree with the actions of Putin, but nor do I agree with the collective continued denigration of ordinary Russian citizens. I also pray for the citizens of Ukraine, who of course don't deserve any of this.
Sorry, who is denigrating ordinary Russian citizens? Isn't it Putin that's throwing ordinary Russian citizens in jail for protesting against a war they want no part in? Isn't it his minions that are buying Russian compliance with payments of £18k to the families of dead russian soldiers? Denigration of ordinary Russian citizens seems to only be coming from one place.
I can see some of your points, but I don't think its helpful to make a sweeping suggestion that a country and its people is being demonised. Let's be right... the solution everyone would love is for Putin to pack up his weapons and army and toddle off back over the border and leave the Ukrainian be. That's never going to happen though is it? In the last 24 hours we've seen an escalation of untargeted attacks killing more civilians. We've seen a bombing of a civilian TV tower to try and suppress truth. We've heard of multiple arrests from the simple act of peaceful protest... in Russia. Attacks on a university building and a government administrative building. And the Russian authorities have blamed it on Ukrainian fascists. And it's going to get worse. Much much worse. Whatever happens, the people of Ukraine and Russia are the ones at this time who are likely to be affected most. Hopefully that doesn't extend deeper into Europe.
He's used cluster bombs in civilian areas already. And he's used deadly radioactive materials in a foreign country. I suspect he's capable of anything without someone challenging him.... but doing so seems to get you killed or jailed.
Don’t know if my point is acceptable or been brought up on any other threads but NATO and the West’s response to all this was called Appeasment in the 30’s and we all know where that led.
I reckon there's going to be a new world order consisting of Iran, Pakistan, Brazil, Russia and China. I envy those with bunkers.
Red army, Unfortunately ordinary citizens suffer in wars in many ways,however financially while the Russian economy is strong Putin is strong and will never be removed unless his own people turn on him due to social deprivation.I agree about your point that ordinary Russians will bare the brunt of this which is sad, but he must be stopped.