There's so much I've read this morning, and to a degree the last few days that I just can't get my head around. From this site, news outlets, social media, direct reports, and i think that has been the straw camel! The world is completely screwed. So much horror and atrocity, selfishness and greed. So much damage and destruction. So many lies and so much deceit. And yet those with kinder hearts can often be split and spend our time head to head rather than facing those that cause us to be divided. I had a very short e-mail from my Ukrainian friend who I thought was in Switzerland. It seems she temporarily returned to Odessa to look after her mother who took ill in November. She's perhaps the fiercest person I've ever known. But I can tell she's scared. And she's trapped. Her mother is too ill to move, and she won't leave her mother. I'm extremely worried for her. We're unbelievably lucky compared with the people of Ukraine and to a lesser degree Russia. We have food, we have water and the likelihood of being bombed overnight is low. We can say what we wish and we are unlikely to be thrown in jail, beaten or poisoned. For all our views, at this time if only for a little while, can we just try and be a little kinder and not so divided?
Its a school of thought that's always interested me. I'd have thought it would be reciprocal? We're urged to show compassion for our fellow man. Yet their need is seen as higher than ours. Yet we're supposed to equals. You're right. However, say we aid the Ukraine and nuclear weapons were fired at the UK. Would you be thinking about the lives of the Ukrainian's or that of your own loved ones? Don't take this personally but you come across as a virtue signaller.
Just after the end of WW2, my old man was an MP in the British Army based in Trieste, they did combined patrols with the Italian police and got to know some of them well, one in particular was a Captain called Michele. He had fought in the Italian Army at El Alamein and had obviously spent most of his adult life under Mussolini. One day after the patrol they were sat having a drink with a few other British Lads, and one referred to Churchill as a b**tard. The old man said Michele's face changed colour...after they'd supped up he approached the old man, obviously worried, and asked what was going to happen the MP who'd called Churchill a b**tard, and to him for enjoying a drink at the same table. My dad reassured him that there would be no repercussion, but it did make him realise the fear that others lived under.
Surely there are ways, not necessarily above board or direct ways, for censorship to be bypassed in this internet age. The Chinese population must be aware of the mood of the world, even if official streams block anything that doesn't suit the message. Photos of the protests must circulate their social media.
Pretty sure they're only allowed to use Weibo which is there state approved social media stream. I suppose it's a fine balance of censoring "fake news" and promoting "fake news".
You’re somebody’s equal when you attend a funeral for their loved one but they might find you a bit of a dick if you started going on about the possibility of your perfectly well family members dying and asking for sympathy from everyone there as you are their equal. Even if your family member was actually terminally ill and likely to die soon, people would still consider you selfish if you kept turning the conversation towards them. It doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have sympathy towards your situation but piggy backing on someone else’s **** time to make it about you isn’t the done thing. There’s nothing to stop you obviously, but there’ll be consequences for doing it (people growing a bit tired of listening to you at best, being hostile towards you at worst).
It has just been on the news that words from the opening ceremony condemning what is happening in the Ukraine was cut out for the Chinese public and TV audience so they are being kept out of the news network
My Mum has days to live. There is a remote prospect that we all may be in the same boat if something isn't worked out. I'm not sure what the answer is with Putin. Just hoping & praying that some sense is found. My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine. Putin is a monster, but we've let the appeasement of his regime go on too long, manly due to Tory donors from Russia. I agree that Blair was equally to blame. He is a war criminal, as is Bush.