Dunno about anyone else, but I'm getting genuinely scared about how things are tracking. The parallels with how WWII escalated are frightening. We even have our own Neville Chamberlain, and there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that Putin doesn't take Boris Johnson in any way seriously. Tbf to Johnson, while I'm his biggest critic, he was never expected to be a war time leader...and neither was Chamberlain at the time. Question. Do we now need to put a war time leader in place? Or at least have one lined up?
Her rhetoric certainly has balls as big as brass. It's a shame that a world without tyranny will be no world at all.
this isn't about anything other than being a war time leader by the way. dare I say it, a thatcher type?
Genuinely struggling to think of anyone who I'd consider to be even a rung above an awful choice. Maybe Rory Stewart if he were still around but he isn't.
Trouble is Boris thinks he’s a war time leader and is going around all Chuchillian quotes and all. Not sure who in the present cabinet is competent enough though and not sure about any of the opposition just yet although I’d prefer Starmer to Boris . Where’s Rory Stewart when you need him , he’d be my pick even though he’s a Tory .
In this day and age, does the prime minister need to be a wartime leader? Irrespective of who's in charge you'll get supporters and critics. With the advent of social media and "alternative" news sources, achieving universal support for anything is impossible, regardless of how good an orator you are... The British are no longer the unthinking, unflinching patriots we used to be.
DePfeffel won't relinquish control even though he's broken so many laws, so it's immaterial really. The thing that's stood out starkly this week is just how light weight and tokenist our politicians are compared to Europe. Our politics has very much skewed to following a US pattern (with seemingly Russian undercurrents) and we're all the worse for it. I genuinely can't see one person on the tory benches that I'd hope could take over. Maybe Tom Tugendhat at an absolute push, but then the opposition benches seem pretty slim pickings too.
The leaders of the worlds big players are weak atm when you look at BJ and dithering Biden you can see why Putin took his opportunity...
I do not think we will need a wartime leader because Ras-putin (geddit?) will not be foolish enough to take on NATO. What happened to party gate and the pandemic btw?
Early days and not necessarily as a 'war leader' per se but so far I've been impressed with Anthony Blinken the American Secretary of State. Leaders of the major nations all seem to be dull/incompetent/both men at the moment and I'd be interested to see how things may have progressed differently if there'd been a Merkel or other savvy female around.