Try and relax a bit. The parallels are more obvious with WW1 than WW2. But anyway, the chances of a nuclear exchange over Ukraine are still very small. There's a lot of gesturing and posturing going on at the moment but calm heads, particularly within NATO, seem to be prevailing. There's a number of thing we can do to try and deescalate, which I think we eventually will. Western nations will have to do a bit of domestic maneuvering first (to make sure we don't come across as backing down etc), but we can provide that off ramp. As for war time leaders, good question. I don't look for bluster and sharp rhetoric in a war time leader, I want someone who's calculated and calm headed. Struggling to pick anyone out of the current shower.
The news was on the other night, wasn't really watching and Mrs Statis had turned the sound down. Cut between various world leaders and then I'm struck by some wreck who looks like he's woken up after a 2 week stag do. An embarrassment to this country. And folk who've been on stage do's.
Ra ra Ras-Putin, lover of the Russian queen, there was a cat that really was gone, ra ra Ras-Putin Russia's greatest love machine, it was a shame how he carried on. And frankly that makes more sense than owt going on today.
Just send her over to whine and whinge, argue blacks white and object to anything and everything. He'd soon get bored and press the button.
What exactly would you like to see done? Apart from Johnson actually sanctioning oligarchs rather than talk about it.
I'm not talking about what he's doing now' i mean that Putin sees both Johnson and Biden as weak leaders generally imo...
But there's no other leader in their right mind that would have done anything any different. Whoever was in charge Putin would have calculated on exactly the same response. In fact he would have probably calculated on a much weaker response.
I pretty much agree, from what I've read and heard from various analysts the die was cast in 2014 when he got away scot free with the Crimea invasion.
I’m surprised no one’s suggested Pritiaweful Patel , the woman who would unplug someone’s life support machine to charge her iPhone
I wouldn't want to get in a punch up with her, she'd be like that Bond villain with daggers in the tips of her shoes.
But with all the abuse of powers BJ has committed making us look stupid, Biden's horrendous evacuation out of the middle east, don't America still get 600k barrels a day from Russia? Just incompetence from the West, and the problem is, China is watching. Seeing how things pan out. And with how things currently are, they'll eventually invade Taiwan. Putin won't be daft enough to take on NATO, but when/if China directly gets involved, then he'll have no problem doing it. That's the scary thing. The trade deal between Russia & China will keep Russian invasion going on as long as it takes, regardless of how ill prepared it is in regards to the convoy breaking down, no food, knackered tyres etc. And on top of everything, North Korea shooting missiles again. Scary times. I think our best bit is Russian elites losing faith in Putin/standing up to Putin. Can't see that happening though.
Back to the OP regarding a war time leader the only candidate I can think of in the Tory party who might not be a total disaster is Ben Wallace. Current Defence Secretary. Open to any better ideas as I’m not an expert on the Tories who don’t keep showing how stupid or cruel they are