.." Those countries imposing no fly zones for 'Aeroflot' will be regarded as committing an act of war". Also he considers the imposing sanctions "an act of war" Regrettably in my opinion we are fast reaching the stage where military action will have to be undertaken starting with enforcing a no,-fly zone over Ukraine. Putin has also made an implied threat directed sgainst the UK stating that " It will not be forgotten the UK support for Ukraine". A clear statement is required that the removal of the Russian Army from Ukraine is the sole objective of any European action and NO incursion will take place into Russia now or in the future. Any use of nuclear weapons will be met with maximum force resulting in catastrophic destruction of Russia and the continent of Europe. The way Putin is starting to panic we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we are ultimately destined to end up in a nuclear conflict it doesn't matter when except it would stop the slow tortuous suffering of the Ukrainian population. Putin is becoming more irrational by the day.
Agree with that. Bigger threads, especially since we lost threaded view, don't flow as conversations like smaller ones do. Of course there's a generic Russia bad, Ukraine good thread but tekkytyke feels this is a more specific conversation regarding Putin's latest ramblings and I agree with hi
Certain posters insist on new threads everytime. Tis the way it always was. BBS has been a far better experience in the last couple of years for the improved use of threads for topics. Dreamboy is the master of it.
First time you’ve mentioned it, but you’re a fan of starting new threads so I get that. Others aren’t engaged in the BBS in the same way.
I think he is pushing as she's as he can to test the limits and we are looking extremely weak by allowing him to do so. We should have defended Ukraine from the start as I don't think he's actually as stupid as people think he is. I don't think he'd dare use nuclear weapons on a nato country as it would be suicide to him and whilst people might believe he's mentally unstable I think that is a very deliberate image he's trying to project and o e which we are falling for completely. There's a reason that nobody is scared of the UK using nuclear weapons, because they know we won't. Our nuclear deterrent isn't a deterrent to anyone at all because it isn't serious. We have all completely fallen for the line that Putin would send his nukes out willy nilly that they aren't just a deterrent to attacking Russia but a deterrent to stopping him attacking anyone he chooses. The options seem to be either let him do as he pleases forever because he might carry out his threat of nuclear war or try to stop him physically. I think that, as dangerous as it may be, we have to call his bluff.
I personally like new threads it keeps things simple for lazy posters like me Tekkys point would have been lost in the 39 page Ukraine thread that started over a week ago.
But if you’re interested in comments about the Ukraine then you wouldn’t be starting on page one. I just go back to the Ukraine thread whenever I’ve got time and get brought up to speed on the comments. All that happens is that posters end up repeating opinions in two different threads and someone else’s thread on something different drops off the page or down the page.
You're right of course but isn't that exactly what happened for years when you first joined and became attached to the BBS?
Totally agree with that We have been far too lenient and coweringbof Putins threats . Imo if we had been more progressive in our defence of first Georgia before Ukraine he would have been hit shut of . I think our weakness and I don’t mean that as a hawkish term has made him stronger in the Kremlin , they are thinking the west are afraid so what can we do ? The west on the other hand especially Europe have been afraid of losing the billionaires and in fact have been competing with each other for their favours . Trouble is imo some politicians in every party in all of Europe have had fingers in pies and that’s not to do an injustice to the many from all parties that are in it to do good .
I feel like there were less posters and new threads when I first started on the BBS. That was nearly 25 years ago! Plus the subjects were nowhere near as serious as they are these days. I’m guessing because access and awareness to news wasn’t the same. It was utterly random and bizarre on a daily basis.
I agree, I spend far less time on here now because of it. I’d rather read 10 mini 2 page threads than 1 20 page one. Especially I can sometimes only visit for short bursts of time and like to ‘complete a few threads’ and get rid of the dot beside them so I know I’ve read it and what I’ve got left. It gives a sense of achievement. Now every time I visit the massive thread is back on unread and when I click it I’m taken to something like page 19 of 24 and I have to decide whether to read the 5 pages, which will take the whole time I have and won’t get me up to speed so I’ll start behind again next time, or skip to the end but then I’ve lost the thread of conversation and have to keep guessing how far to backtrack to join the current discussion.
But the alternative is to read the same number of posts, spread across multiple threads, taking up the same amount of time? As it definitely doesn’t limit the number of posts as that’s higher than ever these days. You then also limit the topics you can see and choose from in these mini bursts of time that you have. Less choice on your main screen/page.
That's exactly how I use the BBS too. If it's up to a crazy amount of pages and I'm several back I just don't bother. I also lose interest when I see someone has quoted someone else and find that quote is about 5 pages previous. At that point I just think what's the point in trying to keep track of that particular strand of the thread when I have to look through so many pages trying to work out who is replying to who. We might just be dinosaurs but I know there's a lot of us dinosaurs out there so I don't mind
I get what you're saying from an administrative point of view that it keeps things tidy and is no doubt the best way to do it. I was just speaking from a lazy point of view that its more enticing to join a short and to the point thread than a very long one. Just a personal opinion and certainly not a critiscm.
Is there a reason you keep referring to Ukraine as ‘the Ukraine’? I’ve seen you acknowledge at least two people who have mentioned it to you but you are still inserting the word ‘the’ so I just wondered if there was a reason why so I could see the other side of the thinking on it (as in I’ve seen those posters’ reasons of why not to do it but I haven’t yet seen a reason of why to do it).