I am posting this because last night I made a terrible mistake: I responded to two of casualtyke’s posts. I will no longer do this and ask other posters to consider doing likewise. Whether he’s on a wind-up, a troll or actually believes what he says, is irrelevant. Anyone who posts “I believe that history will show that Putin was actually the good guy rather than the evil monster” has insulted common human decency, basic intelligence and, far worse, every man, woman and child suffering in Ukraine. For me that’s a ban. All I can do is impose my own personal one. On this board we can do next to nothing in the current situation. But in my opinion, it is our duty to prevent the spread of poison. I pity casualtyke. And if he has children, I fear for their minds. For what is worth I think we’ll beat Stoke tomorrow and get a draw against Fulham.
Agreed totally. A ban is not enough though, his/her account should be permanently deleted. In the meantime, just try hard to avoid replying.
You're right mate, I made the mistake of calling him deranged the other day and knew I shouldn't have even as I was writing it...
What? You think we're going to beat Stoke and get a draw against Fulham? Thought it was just me that had lost it.
Once we start banning people for holding an opinion we set a very dangerous precedent. Let's not make this more than what it is, it is a different view. It's not hate speech, neither is it inciting hatred or violence. Neither has he been personal, yet he's been subjected to personal insults himself. In 1984 they criminalised thoughts and speech that were different to that of the party; it is a dangerous path. It also insults those who disagree with the poster; can they not think for themselves? Are they so afraid of being so swayed by an alternative view? Why do people get so angry at someone else's thinking? People have their own minds and a degree of intelligence to formulate their own thinking. They need to take a step back and see it for what it is: discussion, like every other thread on here. I understand we are discussing emotional topics and Casual Tyke often holds an opposing view to the majority. But consider how often people disagree on here. And most people hold the view that free speech is a good thing, and are comfortable with others disagreeing with them. We shouldn't impose a ban because of an alternative view or organise death by metaphorical BBS firing squad just because one particular poster has wildly differing views and riles people up. If he really gets up people's noses, they should put him on ignore or don't engage. This BBS prides itself on hearing from all different sides, and is largely respectful. We should keep it that way. (Draw against Stoke, beat Fulham!)
The thing is he posts palpably false and, in my opinion and that of others, dangerous things. That leads to having to engage him to disprove his rubbish and ending up with decent threads derailed or ignoring him and letting his rubbish go unchecked. The Russian invasion thread was one of the best threads there's been on here. People with varying views but arguing tolerantly and constructively. This....person....has hijacked it and taken it off the rails. Let him go and post his nonsense elsewhere as far as I'm concerned or we'll be in an endless spiral of Trump being reinstalled, vaccines containing tracking devices and Putin being a paragon of virtue. I'm all for free speech and seeing both sides of an argument but there are people out there in the world today whose sole purpose is to destroy liberal, enlightened thinking. This guy is either one of them or a dupe of those who are and he's laughing as he does it.
Further to churtonreds post above which I totally agree with.... casualtyke's ‘views’ seem to be solely based on social media disinformation and lies. If this board is to become nothing more than a noticeboard for cranks and conspiracy theorists then so be it. But the quote I gave (from him) crossed the line for me. What we are witnessing in Ukraine is pure evil. You might not see it that way but I do. To condone the person responsible for that evil – as he did - is to condone the Devil. Would we throw the Devil off this board or give him a fair hearing? After all its just a different point of view...
Overreaction, If you don’t think we’re being bombarded with our own massively bias propaganda then you’ve not been observing what’s been going on in our media for years. I don’t have to agree with what he’s saying but as long as he’s not insulting anyone particularly or being racist/sexist I don’t see how his views are that bad you want him banned? If you don’t like it just put him on ignore.
Unfortunately his or her board name always reminds me of the far right South Yorkshire Casuals , I hope there’s no link
I didn't say I wanted him banned I said "For me that's a ban (that means 'in my opinion' he should be banned) I said "All I can do is impose my own personal one" (that means I'll put him on ignore.) I'm fully aware of our own propaganda don't worry.
You have just described Putin's recent taking control of Russian media, the denunciation of this war as 'fake' news and the years of imprisonment for anyone who dares report on it. To take your analogy further, casualtyke is a Party Member working for The Ministry of Truth.
I think if you're doing anything but supporting the country that's subject to an unprovoked invasion here then you're a worm who deserves all the consequences of taking such a mind-numbingly heartless stance, including being banned.
There's having a different view and being a total ******* bellend intent on winding others up. Just saying...