I came home last night to find that i had been burgled. Taken the lot, what is wrong with people? Back to square one after I've just got my life back on track. Anyways, I hope we win tonight. Something to look forward to.
Yep, absolute scum. I hope they catch them and recover your stuff, but I’d say there’s more chance of us beating Fulham on Saturday.
Thats terrible - hope you havent lost anything irreplaceable and that they get caught though I am not so hopeful
They could have at least taken my season ticket. Bad joke? Haha Nothing what they have taken is important really, Everything is replaceable I suppose, I know that isn't the point. Two televisions. They have actually taken their time to take them both off the wall brackets. Crazy A smart watch PlayStation 4 Laptop. Around £80 cash. So everything is replaceable, just annoying when you have to work hard for it
Really sorry to hear that. There seem to be so many knocks and negative/bad/sad news of late. Like you, I desperately hope we can win tonight. I really need them to do that.
B'stards. Never been burgled so I can't imagine what it's like. Hope the insurance pays out quickly so you can get sorted.
No, don't worry. There are bigger problems In the world right now. Sorry I know i sound very ungrateful.
It is a real problem around the area at the moment , the next door neighbours to my son were broken into last week whilst they slept in bed , frightening . I know what I say would not be popular but chopping a hand off a thief would I am sure deter a few would be burglars , they are scum .
It would be nice to hear that during their escape they were hit by a bus and died of internal bleeding really slowly
With what's been pinched most likely druggies. Everything easily sold on for a fraction of the price in a local boozer. It's sad when you work hard for a wage to buy the nice things that make home a home. I'd be mortified if my OO collection got stolen.
Hi Mate, I might have got some stuff you can have. I think Ive got a spare PS4 you can have. Might have a spare TV somewhere. If you are desperate for a laptop I've got one of those you can have an all. All gratis.
Horrid knowing someone has invaded your home and haven't given a toss about how you might feel losing all your possessions. Doesn't sound like they've left a lot but be aware that you are susceptible to another burglary once they've given you time to replace the items. Make sure you 've looked at your home security. Definitely worth seeing if there is any CCTV footage from your neighbours. Wish there was something more I could say or do.
When I get paid on the 25th of this month I'm going to try replace each item and invest in some CCTV like I should have 3 months ago