Was at the game today and thought the lads put in a real shift against a team so far ahead of anyone else in this Division it’s ridiculous. Sick as a dog at another late equaliser…again. Imo our poor dealings’ in January mean we have little or no strength in midfield which is tragic for the players working their nuts off knowing they can’t be replaced. Yes - this is another dig at the pi$$ poor performance of the Board. Anyway, came away today disappointed at the result but really proud of the players. Then….. I watched it back on Sky. **** me, are we Russian. Does everyone either hate or patronise us? The commentary was absolutely pathetic. It sounded as if someone had written an agenda beforehand and we had the temerity to upset the script. If Sky cannot find people to comment on its games with some level of evenness, they should just show the football with no commentary. Disgraceful.
Not usually something I complain about, but yes, today was unprofessional and truly dreadful. The worst I've ever heard for what was supposed to be unbiased commentary.
We only got a point because the grass was too long. How many times did they bang on about that? Very sorry Fulham, must get the red carpet out next time.
Every time Mitrovich was any where near the ball the tone of the commentator's voice became orgasmically energised as if at the next moment the ball was going to fly into the net as if propelled by divine inspiration. Strange how at the end Morris was man of the match ! (and rightly so)
The pitch getting constantly slagged off was the weirdest thing for me. Really didn't understand that?
At one point Lee Hendrie moaned about the length of the grass and the hardness of the ground and the fact it was watered so was slippy.
watched the commentary and et al back Thought Redders levelled the analysis up by saying it was an obvious pen to and was rounded in by the rest .
And he also admitted during the match that he had not been on the pitch so could not comment on the grass length. Complete tool
Let's be honest, they only chose to broadcast it because they thought Mitrovich was going to bag eight against us. Glad we pissed on their chips.
Spot on mate. Laura had to mute telly. It's a shame we couldn't hold on or Morris's dink didn't go in. Then they would have had sumat to cry about. Special mention for Redders. He must av' had a word with Breville because he was more complimentary towards us after the game.
They showed a close up of the grass right at the start. Schwarzer was baffled that the Sky host had even made a thing of it. Then the commentators banged on about it for 90 minutes.
Watched the whole game on Sky and unusually for me, managed to stay awake. I didn't detect any bias. In fact I'd say the main commentator and Lee Hendrie warmed to our sterling effort up until the 85th minute. Even then, Hendrie said you just can't defend against quality like Wilson's goal. A shame we couldn't hold on, but in no way did I think we'd been short-changed by Sky.
Always same with sky even last season when we were in the play offs saying vals style was crazy etc asif we were there by some way of cheating and lee hendrie is a bell end still remember jacob browns winner at walsall in injury time which nearly brought him to tears.