To be fair, he certainly tried to even it out with some of the soft free kicks he gave them in the second half
No, it wasn't. The referee awarded it, but in my opinion, it wasn't a penalty. Having said that, Middlesbrough were awarded a penalty a couple of weeks ago and I didn't think that was a penalty, either.
Well in my defence I only saw the whole passage of play in real time, and As I said before it looked to me like they were jostling with each other. I don’t subscribe to the theory that decisions even themselves out over the season, but if they do, I look forward to plenty more going our way, considering how this season’s gone.
The two on Tuesday were pens and didn’t get given. This wasn’t a pen and was given. Ref was so biased towards Fulham anyway it probably evened out over the game.
From my view at that side of the ponty. It was right infront of my eyes. I thought it was a stone wall penalty, it shocked me at the time how long it took the ref to blow up for it. However, after watching it back, wasn’t a pen in a million years. Weird how different the game is with replays. We’re still losing on decisions though, but it’s nice to get one that if we’re all honest with ourselves, was lucky to be given.
At the game I thought it was a pen but on seeing it again Ref got it wrong. Mind you he got quite a bit wrong but it’s nice to benefit for once. It was as much a pen as the one Boro got. And a lot less of a pen than the one we didn’t get on Quina last game
That/s exactly what I thought. I was also thinking someone must have told him in his ear that it was so he didn't look a tit on Sky. I therefore convinced myself it must have been. I've not yet seen it back.
The EFL would’ve relegated them last season if they’d had owt abart them. Derby are not victims they are perpetrators
Never in a million years should have been given. But never in a million years was Iseka offside vs Cardiff, & never in a million years was Matty Pearson fouled in the FA cup! Swings & roundabouts.
Derby have got a worse chip on their shoulder than Wigan fans! The fact they haven't really struggled if you give them the 21 points back shows that they haven't been badly done too. They've been able to keep the likes of Lawrence, Beliek and have had the player they did sell to Palace whose name escapes me loaned back to them!
Derby fans think they have a god given right to be at the top of the football pyramid just like wendy fans. The truth is they have been cheating and only just been found out. God knows how long they have been doing it. An athlete gets banned for cheating with drugs. Rangers got demoted to bottom league in Scotland for cheating. Derby have only been deducted 21 points. Which to me is an insult to clubs like Barnsley that do their utmost to play by the rules. The Wigan and Derby fans believe Barnsley are to blame for some unknown reason. To top it all ot looks like Reading are going to get away virtually scot free (but they are a London club).. i dont think Wigan fans, Derby fans or the EFL have a brain between them