We all know that since watering down petrol with more ethanol people are getting much poorer mpg meaning they have to fill up more often. Would switching back to E5 mean we need less petrol and therefore less oil? Or would it men we need more of it?
Came on the train yesterday, bloke in a 3 l diesel waiting for his lad getting off the train had the car running for more than 10 minutes, why? I used to ask folk nicely but it never went down well.
Not really practical for the majority of every day people who have to drive for work though. I can drive to work which means leaving the house at 8:45 to drive 8miles for a 9am start or use our great public transport system that means leaving the house at 7:07am and racking up approximately 25 miles using a combination of busses, trains and walking for 50 minutes. That's the biggest issue in this country regarding energy consumption. If you don't live on bozo's doorstep then public transport is useless
Did you see fired’s post yesterday re electric bikes? Might be worth considering now we’re going into spring. Save you a load and help keep you fit.
Funny you should say that because yes I did and am seriously considering it but need to work out a few logistical issues first but yes it's something I'm quite keen on giving a go
I drive 12 miles setting off at 06:55 for a 07:45 start and don’t have to deal with other people. Or, I could set off at 06:10 and pay £115 a month to get two trains there, which involve having to walk 35mins and arrive at work 30mins too early and have to hang around 30mins after. That’s if there are no delays and the train back from Leeds City Centre is so rammed I almost have a panic attack. It definitely should be/probably is illegal how full it gets. Edit: Before anyone says it - no, I am not biking it for multiple reasons. 1) I value my life, 2) I have Reynauds and would not be able to bike in any sort of inclement weather, 3) I have too much stuff to carry on a bike.
Piece in the sun today breaks down all the costs involved and all I can say is the government have got our pants down
Manchester are taking back some public control of their bus services , https://www.manchestereveningnews.c...-reform-greater-manchester-legal-23336166.amp
This. For most people, public transport is simply not practical, for the reasons you describe. It's either too inconvenient, too expensive, or both. In addition, a fundamental flaw is that the cost is directly proportional to the number of passengers, which makes it financially out of the question for families. The cost of a car journey for 5 people is only marginally more than for 1 person, but in a train 5 tickets are needed. Even with child discounts, cards etc it doesn't come close to being a viable option. Having said that, I use the train quite often to travel to Manchester airport. That's because I'm lucky to live 10 minutes walk from my home station, and the destination station is right in the airport.
Sitting in a stationary car with the engine running more than a reasonable time is illegal. I could have worded it better
Same here in Italy. Bt of a pain in the height of summer if waiting for a delayed train and you have a small child/baby in the back. The internal temp in the car in the sun without A/C on can quickly climb above 40C even with tinted glass clip on shades and windows wide open. Fortunately delayed trains and cancellations are quite unusual here, unlike the UK so it is relatively manageable to time it so you are collecting someone neither of you have a long wait
Believe it or not JD, unlike the bus, there's no legal limit on how many people they can ram into a train carriage
That explains a lot! Honestly, people are sitting on other people, stood up so rammed that elbows and arses are shoved into people who did get a seat’s faces, people are squashed so they’re literally stuck between seats and against walls and the doors won’t shut because people are hanging out of the carriage until someone heaves them forward for a few seconds until they close. It’s absolute carnage and a disaster waiting to happen. Last time I couldn’t reach the doors to get off at my stop as no one could pass in any direction. I had no idea it was going to get so full otherwise I wouldn’t have traveled on it but it was delayed setting off and another train was cancelled last minute so everyone ran and piled on.
Until there's an accident and lots of people die because they're unable to escape due to the crush and then they'll stand back and ask in mock sorrow, "How was this allowed to happen?" This has been an issue for years. Edit: snap JamDrop.