You can't argue that the removal of away fans from stadiums wouldn't make sense though. From a financial point of view it would save clubs money on policing, stewarding and alterations to stadiums due to segregation (and less repairs probably). From a reputational point of view it would prevent the more unsavoury fans exporting their bad behaviour around the country. And possibly from an atmosphere point of view it would prevent home fans being out-sung by opposing fans. Just my opinion, and for clarity I've been to more away games over the years than I can remember, admittedly none in 4 years though.
You don't think there's a counter argument to everything you've just typed out? In that case I might as well just accept it and move on, right? Last line of your reply is the key. I bet when you were attending away games regularly, whether you'll admit it now or not, you'd have scoffed at the suggestion of banning away fans. Now, because you haven't been to one for four years and you wouldn't miss them, you're happy to suggest it as 'making sense'. Strikes me as 'I'm alright Jack' to be honest.
Well there's a novel idea! Going to great expense to travel to watch a match, buying a ticket for said match but the day not being complete unless you've managed to find a pub. Like you, I have only ever gone away to watch the match. I'm not a regular away day traveller anyway and both trips this season put me off big time - Bolton and Blackpool. I'm not sure if I will ever go away again, but you never know. Next season's promotion run to the Third Division championship might tempt me . Pubs don't interest me, home or away. If that makes me odd, so what? The football is the thing that tempts me down the A1/M1 to Oakwell and I've missed plenty of those trips this season as well. Drinking is something that other people do. Some to a stupid degree, hence all the trouble at football. It's always been that way and that's a shame. How can thousands of people sit at rugby or cricket matches drinking (sometimes all day) without any hint of trouble? Do football fans belong to a different species of human being? Seems so....
Of course there is a counter argument! I've just stated my view, you know, my side of the argument. Although, I'd prefer to use the word "discussion" as we're not arguing are we? In all honesty, when I was going to away games there were some where I really enjoyed them, but there were also plenty that I hated. And I hated them generally due to fan behaviour (on both sides).
I only used the phrase ' counter argument' as it was consistent with you saying 'You can't argue that the removal of away fans from stadiums wouldn't make sense though'. Nice try though. I'll give one example. Forest Green Rovers CAN'T WAIT to welcome away fans to The New Lawn. It boosts the profile of the club, the town, and brings in significant revenue. The better the atmosphere, the more appealing the club is to play for. The fans can't wait either for the likes of Ipswich, Sunderland, Derby, Barnsley, etc. to be rocking up to Nailsworth. Turn the switch off for away games and you'd disenfranchise supporters across the country and could potentially see a decrease in attendances across the board.
Fair enough regarding arguing, I wasn't trying though, are you? Yes, I'm sure there are a few towns that make a bit of money from away fans, I'd also confidently claim there plenty more towns that dread away fans and any additional income they make is swallowed up by employing door security and repairs.
This is crazy to me. Are we going to turn into the United Kingdom of North Korea? Preventing fans doing something/watching things they love? I'm honestly baffled it's even mentioned
Credit the Forest Green club IF that is how they feel but I’m not sure the residents of sleepy Nailsworth are looking forward to big followings descending on their small town. It’s a parish of around 6,000 people and they will find it a shock to the system next season when the hordes turn up, probably without tickets. I used to live a few miles from there and it’s just not ready for that kind of invasion next season.
You mean we're not already the United Kingdom of NK? Deluded idiot of a political leader. Tick. Media lies to its people. Tick. Delusions of grandeur as being significant on the international stage. Tick.
I'm down there or speaking to the club pretty regularly these days. Nothing but excitement about the journey they're on with the whole town bought in. Sure, they'll be those who don't like it in the same way there's those who don't like the fact Oakwell exists. But in the main the positivity coming from that area feels very overwhelming.
Having had to travel to a lot of away games in the 80s on supporters club coaches I'd argue there's a hell of a lot that can't.
I don't remember. Maybe it is off the back of bad behaviour circa 2017 ish. I detest punishing an entire fan base because of the behaviour of a mindless few. Not only does it damage the reputation of both clubs, but it harms the local economy too.
Good point, however a drink with a plated meal having travelled for 3 hours wouldn't be unreasonable.
I don't think there should be a strict segregation, but if there are pubs that can mark themselves as "away fan friendly", then it gives a place away fans can feel comfortable going to. Same goes for family friendly pubs. As you say, trying to ban away fans from the town altogether will just lead to groups of them being dotted around anyway, and if there is trouble, will be more difficult to contain. Don't really understand the logic of what SYP are trying to achieve here.
This with knobs on, when I do go in a pub/ club away from home, I find a couple of pints and a bite to eat are ample. At the recent game at Hull, our coach pulled up outside the New Walton WMC close to the ground. We were allowed in no problem ( paid a £1entry fee but fine with that) Got a pint and sat near some Hull fans who were eating fish and chips from a nearby chippy, club were ok with bringing your own food in, so duly obliged, and lovely fish and chips they were too, Washed down with a couple of pints. Oh, and the matter of a 2-0 win made for a great night.
I dare say that Forest Green have experienced quite a few big away followings in recent years, with probably sell- out away crowds. ‘Neanderthals’ as you call them, are just that no matter who they follow
We have run around 700 coaches during the last 26 years, relatively unknown. You can count on less than 1 finger. The amount of trouble we have encountered In pubs. Coaches on most occasions very rarely go into the away clubs town centres. Fulham is one of the rare ones. You can enjoy the match but also have a social side. Managed well. It's very rarely an issue.