In my opinion there has been a complete attempt at avoiding answering it. If it's all been answered so publicly and clearly why is there a debate on here between yourself who has had many private conversations with Khaled and others who are under a completely different impression regarding it being debt to the club etc? Why is it that nobody really understands what the court case is actually about etc?
I don't see much wrong with his letter apart from the timing which is his own fault for failing to explain anything at all clearly whilst he's been here. In isolation the letter is good, when taken in context of his previous communications and the lack of trust he has caused it does look a bit season ticketty. The only thing wrong with the letter itself is I think when he's calling for full support from fans he should have also included just one line stating that he expects full effort from players. Especially after 2 players completely let the club down on Saturday with a lack of effort.
If you are correct then the auditor of Barnsley Football Club has signed off on numerous incorrect accounting statements. If the payment was due from Barnsley Football Club why was a loan made to BFC investments then written off?
Isn't it the case that if you are involved in a court case like that the legal advice is not to discuss it?
By the way which moderator is it who has edited people's posts in this thread and what edits have been made?
No jury to prejudice in this case of course. But given that many civil cases end in agreed settlements (see Stendel?) probably best not to trumpet your arguments too loudly. In any event, Khaled's not involved, is he?
I believe that is sometimes the case but basic facts are often shared and on this there is absolutely nothing but then to complicate matters it seems they've publicly explained things 3 times (which I must have missed) yet we have people experienced in accounts who take a keen interest who it seems are only finding things out now based on what you say. How have they missed them when they were publicly explained 3 times? It is all a bit bizarre and they've only got themselves to blame as always. Just come out and state the facts publicly. It's not hard.
If I was Khaled, I wouldn't bother. Comments of him being in hiding, he did a Q&A in Jan, and didn't he attend a couple of fan led functions in Feb? As well as the Q&A next week. He's not doing a very good job of hiding. "He's only doing it because season ticket renewals are coming up" - Every time. I suppose at some point renewals will be available, and god forbid, he promotes it. "Conway's mouthpiece", not really, more like Conway's employee. He's screwed up the handling of the West Stand, but he inherited a setup that did nothing to progress any updates to the stadium, when it was shut for a year. He's not going to talk about the legal case for obvious reasons, and the 750k is not a question for him. Just like it wasn't a question for Murphy when it came out last season.
I'm glad you mentioned this, because as I was reading the flow of this, I thought I was losing my marbles. The treatment of this in accounting terms if this alleged new volte face is correct is way out and as you've said, there is zero evidence of any injection of funds from the new owners ever, but indeed Patrick writing off loans to the benefit of the club... which I seem to recall the new owners praising at the time. But there is also the obvious point of a legal case (two merged) that is still in motion (unless that too has spectacularly been negotiated away) given its being used as an excuse not to give more clarity. If there was no dispute, there wouldn't be a legal case. The turns of this issue are starting to take on fantastical forms.
All this anti owners stuff is nonsense. Who is paying to sign Schopp then sack him and pay him off? Who is paying compensation to the Swedish F.A for Asbaghi? Who is paying for Oulare, Iseka and Benson? Who is paying the wages of Schmidt etc. Who is paying contracts up on fringe players? Who is paying for the loans of Quina and Bassi? Fairies?
You've made a very compelling case there. For highlighting how disastrous our owners decision making has been and why we're currently in such a financial mess.
No, Barnsley FC are paying. Where do they get their money from? Well one of the sources is the paying public. You, me, and ordinary people.
If you look into Paul Conway's background you'll see where the money comes from. It's from Investors in the group of clubs. They sit down and decide where that money is best distributed.
I know, but you asked who payed Schopp off, payed the Swedish FA for Ashbagi etc. etc. It's Barnsley FC, not the owners mate
The money is coming from the club. From the TV distribution, sponsors, season ticket holders and cash generating activities of Barnsley Football Club. No external funds have been put into BFC during the current ownership.